I'm fighting the itch to buy another spyderco!

Basic background: I'm a professor at a university with a no weapons policy that's enforced with common sense.

I've got a PM 2 that I love. I've got a mini grip and a full size griptilion as well. Also a SAK rambler. Those four are my primary carry options (the various fixed blades would violate the no weapons policy).

I often carry just the rambler if I have to wear slacks but I can also carry the mini grip comfortably.

On days when I can wear jeans I can carry the larger folders like the PM 2 but always add the SAK just in case I need to use it in front of someone.

I want (don't need) a new knife. I've been looking at the Para 3, the sage 5, Lil native, and delica. What am I missing? Suggestions or recommendations?

I'd like a blade 3 inches or less and perhaps with a different blade shape than the PM 2 (which I love BTW).

Budget is flexible but I want something I'll carry, not a shelf queen!

Thanks everyone!