My life has had its fair share or trauma and hardships but I've always somehow remained resilient. The weeks before the Covid shutdown, I came down with what I now believe was undetected Covid, but at the time my lungs were suffering and catching Covid felt potentially fatal. It took a long time to recover and I was in completely lockdown until vaccines came out. I remember looking out the window of my room and thinking the world felt unreal, like we were in a parallel universe. As much as I've tried to move on in life and return to "normal" (and from the outside, I have) but my internal world has never recovered. I feel disconnected from others, disconnected from myself. I am going through the motions. I am in therapy for anxiety now, and it's helping but I'm suffered more losses and am questioning if I'm living in the right place, whether or not I should go back to work, basically I don't know who I am anymore. I joined a sangha last year to gain clarity through meditation and it's supportive but I'm still lost. Thinking of seeing a medium or psychic to help me understand what is going on.