I'm hoping to go to Peru in July for 2 weeks (33F) and looking for some ideas/ feedback from anybody who has been before or especially recently, as to how to best balance the trip. I'm reasonably physically fit, can walk mostly unlimited distances etc, but definitely spent all my life at sea-level so also want some thoughts on whether my plans are sensible re adjusting to altitude.
FWIW I speak some reasonable basic conversational Spanish but nowhere near fluent, and I've only ever really been to central & north america before, this will be my first proper time in south america.

Very interested in: food, museums, culture, sights, walking and seeing beautiful things.
Not interested in extreme sports/serious mountaineering/ceremonies and all that sort of malarky!

Currently my plan is:

  • Fly from London to Lima and stay in Lima for around 4 days, to shake off jetlag, explore the city and eat lots of delicious food.

  • Fly from Lima to Juliaca and then spend 3 days exploring around Lake Titicaca (any ideas for specifically what to do there would be welcomed - from what I've read Juliaca is not a great place so would probably look to stay in Puno).

  • Get either a train or the bus from Juliaca on to Cusco. Spend 5 days in Cusco, two of which I would hope to do one of the shorter 2 day treks along the Inca Trail to Macchu Picchu (any company recommendations appreciated!). I gather I would need to spend a few days acclimatising to the elevation before attempting the trek?

  • Fly back from Cusco to London via whichever stop over place is required.

Would really appreciate any feedback or recommendations! :)
I found this community so helpful a few years ago and had a great month in Mexico off the back of it.