After having read Kevin Owocki's entry on "The Donut Economy x 8 Forms of Capital" and with a primer on his "Regenerative Cryptoeconomics" publications, I'm convinced letting go off financial capital completely (ie. anti-capitalism) is not the goalpost we should be aiming for within the solarpunk movement.

Consider the following range of capital that we could tap into in a solarpunk society: - Social - Material - Financial - Living - Intellectual - Experiential - Spiritual - Cultural

Combining this with Kate Raworth's bounded "Doughnut Economy", we can operate without overshooting the planetary boundaries while maintaining a solid social foundation.

At the end of the day, Owocki's message is for us to collectively maximize positive and aligned coordination along these 8 dimensions.

My question for the hardcore anti-capitalist punks in this sub is: what are your thoughts about shifting the punk from "anti" to "multi" capitalist? And for those of you just learning about this concept, how would this enrich (or take away from) your vision of a solarpunk life?