I (27f) work in a very "professional" office setting. I’ve been growing my hair out for a few years and it’s just past my waist now; it’s so thick and curly and I love it! But there’s a problem.

I normally wear my hair up in a loose bun at work to protect it. But I started wearing it in braids a few months ago for personal reasons. I identify as white but my great-grandmother was Native American. Comments were made by coworkers, including my boss about my hair, and was told I look like, "Indian" and some slurs were used. My hair was touched and pulled on, without my consent and I was told to "relax" when I asked her not to touch my braids.

I hadn't worn my hair down in a while so I get why people were surprised to see how long it was, but still. I decided to stop wearing braids to work because of the unwanted interactions they caused.

Last week I did my "curly girl" routine Sunday night and wanted to let my curls be free for a change so I wore my hair down to work on Monday. This was a mistake. At least five times people came up behind me put their hands in my hair and made comments on the length, curls, and texture. I know they meant well but it made me so uncomfortable and my hair felt dirty. Eventually, I just pulled it up into a bun cause I couldn't take it anymore.

This morning, I was in a rush to get to work and forgot to take my bonnet off when I left the house so as I was walking up to the building I took it off and put it in my bag. My hair felt so happy and fresh and clean and it was a really good feeling so I decided to try again, didn't pull it up into a bun, and instantly regretted it.

I clocked in, checked my emails, and went to make coffee. As I stood there by the coffee maker waiting for the glorious bean water to finish its magic. I became petrified by the sudden sensation of a hand in my hair, from behind me, she had a first full of my hair and yanked it, then shook it around and said "Wow your hair is so long I thought it was fake!" I tried to turn to face her, it was my boss. As she tried to release my hair some of her rings got stuck and she made the comment "You really need to brush this." and shook her hand free of my hair. I wanted to cut all of my hair off! I felt so defeated, so violated, and a little offended. I just wanted to enjoy the day, literally let my hair down, and just do my job. I don't know what to do. My husband and sisters are furious about the whole thing, but my mom says I should just keep my hair up at work because "You can't change people" but I don't know what to do. It makes my hair feel dirty when people touch it, and that's not a comment on their cleanliness, it's just how I feel about my hair.

I've asked her not to touch my hair in the past but she keeps doing it. How do I politely tell her she has to stop touching my hair?