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Monthly AITA/Reddit Stories Suggestion MegathreadHot Topic

The old megathread was getting filled up, so we're now refreshing these suggestion threads every month!

Leave your suggestions for good AITA and other subreddit stories here!

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Dream Smosh GuestDiscussion

You’re Kiana Parker, EVP of Programming at Smosh, and your bosses have given you the go ahead to invite ANY guest onto ANY Smosh show. Who are you calling first, and why?

Given that guests tend to appear on more than one show when they shoot, you are allowed to pick two shows if you’d like.

Spoilers without context Question/Request

I have not seen a smosh video in about two weeks. Give me your best Spoilers without context. Meaning a spoiler one can only understand after watching a video! Let's see them? 😊

Smosh Vs Zombies is my FAVORITE thing Smosh has EVER done!!!Smosh Games

I know the title might seem excessive, but I cannot articulate how obsessed I am with the Smosh vs Zombies!!

The background audio is one of the best I've ever heard for creating such a realistic, in the moment freaky ambiance, and I would 100% rather watch an episode of this, than any movie at the moment! The setup is so simple, but so powerful for conveying the tension I’m obsesssed with!

Something about the cast playing characters, but also still having their own personality sprinkled in is so epic, and I REALLLYYYYYYY need Smosh to make this a reoccurring series with maybe different cast members/characters!

Any Smosh crew lurking, pls pls pls make this a regular, it is literally my favorite thing Smosh has ever put out, and I’m gonna go through low key depression now that it is over 😭😭😭😭😭

favorite smosh song?Discussion

very curious to know what everybody else believes to be the best, or just their favorite, song that smosh has put out. me personally i'd say i'm really (not) sorry it is SO catchy hello???? would love to hear everybody elses opinions ♪┌|∵|┘♪

Shayne quoting Silence of the LambsQuestion/Request

There was a recent-ish video where Shayne references SOTL and says "Would you f**k me? I would f**k me" but I cant remember which video!! Anyone remember which video he said this is in?

Tabletop roleplay (Dread vs Sword AF)Smosh Games

Watching the Dread series renewed my sadness for the fact that we didn't get video of the crew playing Sword AF Season 2. I really didn't like how that was handled one bit, they basically hid it on podcast platforms and didn't promote it at all besides one community page post.

The cast did a good job improving on this Dread game but it was hard for me to follow. It's alright but it's not better than a normal Board AF.

Game video where Shayne runs away saying oh-nonononononononoQuestion/Request

What video is this from? They have to get the other playerslike tag and Shayne's character runs in a circle to get away while Shayne keeps saying oh-nononononononono

Did I just think of a genius new series?Suggestion

So I had an idea for a new Smosh game. Kind of like a messed up amalgamation of Culinary Crimes and Eat It or Yeet It.

Mad Libs with food. Call it Mad Bites or something. Take a recipe, except some or all of the ingredients are redacted and replaced with the simplest explanation. (Type of meat), (seasoning), etc. then leading up to the video, they’re randomly asked to name that thing and whatever they say goes into the recipe. Then, at the actual video culmination, they eat whatever concoction the adlibbing actually came up with.

It would create such insane foods, I feel like there’s so much potential.