I struggle a lot with anxiety, even simple plans. Today I had plans to meet up with a friend for Pokémon Go and that kept me up until 4:30 AM, and even then I only got about 5 hours of in-and-out sleep worried about the alarm. As you can imagine, that's even worse when it's a job interview, and will probably get even worse when I get back to work (I'm currently unemployed after an accident and surgery but actively trying to find work).

I'm willing to take this to my new doctor, but my old doctor was never able to find something that did anything for me. He tried hydroxyzine, which didn't seem to have any effect helping me get to sleep - but then sleeping 12+ hours when I finally did. I've tried melatonin and unisom but I feel like the anxiety still kicks in when those wear off and I wake back up in terror of my alarm.

I almost never make it to my alarm. If I wake up within 2-3 hours of my alarm, I'm out of luck and can't get back to sleep because of nerves. Unfortunately there's too many cues overnight to what time it is, so even if I don't have a clock nearby, I kinda know.

Any ideas?