Shitty Superpowers

r/shittysuperpowers515.5K subscribers38 active
You can control the size of your ppnsfwGood luck using this…

With that, you won't hurt the ones you love <3

You have an infinite pinkygoofy asf

No matter how many times it falls off, it always regrows. Only for your pinky tho

You can clean any body party anytimehas potential

The effect of showering/bathing, but it's instant anytime you want. It can be your whole body or specific body parts

Every time you say the N-word, your skin switches color.goofy asf

If you're black, your skin turns white, and vice versa.

You can summon Thanos riding rainbow dash to take you anywhere in a five mile radius oddly specific (flair was yoinked from r/godtiersuperpowers)

You have to pay them five pennies split in half rainbow dash also sounds like woods from call of duty black ops

You can turn averagehas potential

When you use this power, you become perfectly average in all your attributes

You can see John Cenahas potential

But if you say his name, you can’t see him for 20 minutes

You can make the floor actual magma.Good luck using this…

The power grants you the ability to make any surface considered “the floor” in a 5 meter sphere into lava.

It will have the actual temperature, and will likely melt anything in/on it.

You can obviously undo this as per rule 9 and the destructive nature of this power.

PS: It does not grant immunity to any of its effects.

[Title is wrong, I screwed up which way was lava and magma]

You have a TV remotehas potential

Pause: pause time entirely.

Fast forward: speed it up.

Rewind: go back.

Only those.

Each pause will summon an invincible snail to touch you and kill you (you can't tell the difference). Every hour of forward or rewind will also summon one.

by EpicJCFShitbender
You can shapeshift into any animal, including mythical or fictional. You have to wait 6 months before turning backhas potential

You are able to shapeshift into any animal you want, however you are stuck as that animal for 6 months until you can come back .

You can summon pocket change from thin airoddly specific (flair was yoinked from r/godtiersuperpowers)

But it has to be a quarter, dime, or nickel in quantities divisible by 3.5 and only during a weekday.

by Justhuman963Walking Nightlight
You can make anyone in your line of sight have explosive diarrhea for an controllable amount of timeActually Shitty

This includes people you’re watching in videos (live and prerecorded) and they will crap even if they ate nothing in the time you make them shit

You can instantly create and publish a great song containing all of your personal informationtoo lazy to think of flair

The lyrics will be your home address, credit card info, social security number, everything.

it will still rhyme though

You can summon a grenadeGood luck using this…

If you summon again after blowing it up, you'll get what remains of the grenade.

by EpicJCFShitbender
You can shrink 1%...Good luck using this…

Permanent, but you also grow 1% each year. Cooldown 1 second.

by EpicJCFShitbender