Listening to your tracks again! Drop a link to your track in the comments, and I'll reply after I listen.

If anyone is interested in checking out some of my stuff, check it out here:

No obligation to check out my stuff. The point of this is to hear your music.

I will listen to everything, but I won't be able to finish listening until later due to having stuff going on during the day.

EDIT: Wasn't expecting this to blow up to this degree, lol. I posted this last night before bed. I won't be able to listen until later tonight, but I will listen to everything eventually. Might take me a while to get to everyone. I'm listening in chronological order and only have so much free time during the day, so please be patient.

EDIT 2: Due to the shear volume of submissions, I will not be reviewing anything submitted after March 15, 23:59 EST. If you missed the boat, follow my reddit account to catch the next time I do this.

EDIT3: Still making my way through everyones music. If you posted before March 16, I'll listen to your track eventually. It's just taking me a while to go through everything. Unfortunately, I ran into a technical issue while making the spotify submissions into a playlist, so I will not be doing that this time as originally planned. Next time I do this, I will be doing a playlist for sure. Thanks again for all the submissions!