Sorry, this is long. My husband and I are in the Maldives and there’s a dive shop at the resort. They have PADI certification courses and certified instructors. They also have “try dives” which I guess are like discovery dives in the house reef.

For context, I had a near-drowning experience as a child and I’ve been uncomfortable at best, fearful at worst, in situations that remind me of that experience (mostly the feeling of water surrounding my face). I can swim (I went for lessons when I was a kid) but whenever I have to swim I choose backstroke to avoid the feeling of water around my face. Because I don’t swim often, I’m not a strong swimmer. We live inland, don’t have a pool at home and none of our friends do either. I don’t like snorkelling because for some reason the few times I tried I always ended up with water down the snorkel and it gives me major anxiety. But I hate feeling this way and missing out on seeing the incredible ocean life due to my anxiety (I work in an environmental science-related field and love nature).

We were perusing the dive shop website for snorkelling trips for my husband. We are both always looking for new things to do and see together. The website description made the “try dive” seem like something I could manage, even with my fears. The site said it’s suitable for ages 8-99, you don’t have to be a strong swimmer, many find it easier than snorkelling and the instructor would be right there all the time. So I told my husband I’d try it.

The dive is this morning. I didn’t sleep at all last night. I was thinking about all the scenarios: having to go under water and flooding my mask, not being able to clear it, something going wrong with the regulator, not being able to calm myself down, possibly having a panic attack and endangering my husband and the instructor… and the more I thought about it the crazier this whole idea seemed. If I want to overcome my fears, I don’t think a crash course of two hours, some of which would be in the open ocean, is the best way to do that. I got so distressed that I ended up getting physically ill and throwing up. I realised that my anxiety was past a point where I could say I just need to push through. If I was having this strong of a reaction to just the thought of diving, what could happen when I am out there?

So I told my husband to go ahead without me. I’m sad and disappointed in myself. I hate that I can’t just be normal and enjoy things like other people do. I hate letting my husband down (even though he was immediately understanding and supportive). I don’t know if we will ever come back here and I can’t make the most of it because my fear is too strong. At the same time, in the back of my mind I know that this is an activity with risk, and not just risks to myself if I’m down there with other people. And knowing this, I didn’t think it was wise to push through. Am I right or is this just my anxiety talking?

ETA: what’s with the downvotes?