As we’ve seen, 20 or so Sask Party MLA’s are not running again. Some likely retiring, some seeing polling that shows them headed to a drubbing in an urban riding, some likely just sick of the job, or headed into the politician- lobbyist pipeline.

But it would be fair to say its an abnormally high number for an incumbent party with a very high probability of re-election.

With Randy Weekes frank exposure of the absolute thuggery from Moe’s close circle (Harrison, Harpauer, etc), one has to wonder if a lot of mla’s are running AWAY from the party itself. If that tight circle of Moe, Harrison, Eyre, Cockrill, Tell is going to pull a hard right straight into full blown authoritarianism (steeped on white christian nationalism) like we’re seeing Smith do in Alberta.

If you dont follow Alberta politics, you should. Sask and Alberta operate as petri dishes for each others policies, and Smith is way out of hand, threatening municipalities, mass privitization, breaking up health and parting it out to private interests, handing out partisan appointments to positions that are supposed to put checks on government.

Are we on the verge of something awful? A hard right turn to “Republican Lite” or even “Maga Lite”?

The stakes feel high.