Richmond, VA

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Buy / Sell / Trade Weekly Thread: Week of May 31, 2024💰 BUY/SELL/TRADE

Use this thread when you are selling, trading, giving away, or looking for any items and/or services. Please be descriptive, post any relevant photos of the item you're selling or looking for, and list the price or budget.

Pro-tip: there are many "buy nothing" and neighborhood-specific groups on Facebook and Nextdoor that can be used to give away or find free items near you. You may find more luck on those social networks than here on Reddit and are more likely to deal with actual local users.

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Pinnedby AutoModerator
Sundaily 👀🌞 Daily Thread

Another weekend weather winner - what’s cookin?

Bonus: what’s your favorite song about RVA? Mine is Richmond River Rat with an honorable mention to Rva by OGK Chino.

Pinnedby jodyhighrola_Highland Park
At whoever put up missing person posters on Belle Isle / capital district

I just saw a curly headed male charging his phone on Brown's near the new(ish) freedom Statue behind the tall truss bridge from 7th. He wasn't wearing what your poster said (blue scrubs, right?), but he had curly hair like the guy in your pictures. His hair was a little thinner in the top than the sides. Sorry I didn't stop to make conversation or ask their name (I wouldn't have remembered anyway), but a skinny dude with curly hair.

by J-ColioDowntown
Rabbits Everywhere

I walk and care for dogs and cats for a living, so I walk areas throughout the city quite a bit. I’ve always noticed the occasional rabbit but suddenly they seem to be everywhere, more than normal it seems to me. From short pump to church hill and everywhere in between. Am I mistaken, or are we headed towards the rabbits becoming our overlords?

Anyone know what happened at the gravel pit off the James river today?

It’s a big boating area past Osbourne Landing. Saw a few fish and game boats with lights on, then a police boat and a fire boat. Then realized there were fire trucks and maybe an ambulance off shore. Police boat escorted another boat to the beach. Noticed a drone in the air and then finally as we were leaving a helicopter showed up and started circling the water. Boats were circling the water while we were there. Just curious and wishing I had one of those radios to listen in on what was happening.

Foushee Monster back!

I noticed a few weeks ago that the Foushee Monster had been sat back upright!

They Live! (Gratuitous John Carpenter reference)


Tenacious D needs to come back.

Ok. Who remembers when Tenacious D was going to come to Richmond to play? It was the Purple Nurple Tour and then BAM- covid hit. We all got our money back, but they never returned.

I think if we can get Foo Fighters to come to Richmond, we can get Tenacious D to come to Richmond.

How do we get this ball rolling and who's with me?!?

City denied claims for costs related to collapsed city sewer line — Halp?

In November 2023, my toilet wouldn’t drain. I didn’t think I’d needed a poop knife, but after my efforts with an augur failed, I called a plumber and paid $120 to get him to auger it. It seemed to help. The issue came back and in February 2024, nothing would drain. The toilet would gurgle when I’d use the shower. When I’d flush the toilet, I’d hear it backing up into the washer drain line. When I used the dishwasher, it would back up into the sink. NOTHING was draining. After a week of hopes, prayers, and pooping in the yard, I called the plumber again. $620 later, he’d run a camera and determined that the city’s sewer lateral (i.e., the sewer line running from the main under the street to my sewer line, but wholly on city property) had collapsed.

It only took a month for the city to come and dig up the street to fix the sewer lateral.

I filed a claim with the city to reimburse me for the money I paid for my plumber, since the failed city infrastructure was the cause of the issue. After 3 months of back and forth, both claims (for the Nov. and Feb. costs) were denied. The Nov. claim was denied because I didn’t let the city know at the time (because in general if your toilet backs up you don’t immediately think it’s the city’s fault). The Feb. claim was denied because this was the first time they’d been notified of it. The denial states:

“Based on the City of Richmond’s policy, you did not notify the City of Richmond Va. There was not adequate notice prior to the incident occurring.”

I appealed the claim and filed a FOIA request for the policy in question. The response I received stated “The Department of Finance, Risk Management, Public Utilities and our Third-Party Claims Administrator have no records responsive to your request.”

I again talked to the city’s Risk Management Department, and was told that there’s no policy per se, but that the denial was based on “industry best practices,” for which they could not offer any documentation or sources. I was told that the sewer line collapsed due to tree roots and the city had no way of knowing that the tree roots had already caused the collapse. The roots in question are from a city tree on city property, and seems like a moot point.

Does anyone have any advice on next steps? To me, this seems very cut and dry— that failed city infrastructure resulted in damages to my property, and as such, I should not be responsible for those costs.

Should I go to small claims, or do I just give up?

Thank you for any advice you can offer!

TNRs/Cat rescues in N Chesterfield?

There's a stray cat in my neighborhood I would love to be able to rescue and take to someone who can help him out (his eyes are very gunky and he's limping slightly) but he keeps running away from me every time I get close. Does anyone know of any good cat rescues I can call? I have been googling them and it's unclear whether they take in sick/injured cats so that's why I'm asking if anyone has had experience with it!

In search of drummer.

Hi i’m 22 and play bass, my friend is 21 and plays guitar and we are looking for a drummer to jam with and potentially start a band. We’ve both been playing for a couple years and I have been jamming with a guitarist and drummer for the past year and a half but just moved to Richmond.

We are interested in making some stoner/desert rock with heavy metal and doom metal influences.

Here are some bands that influence us:


Acid king

Wo fat

Black sabbath

Black label society

Orange goblin

The sword.

We also like listening and playing more indie and chill stuff so if this isn’t your style, feel free to still hit me up. Thank you.

Hotel on the river?

Trying to be extra and wake up in a hotel room with a river view after my wedding. I have been mucking around in the local hotel websites but thought I’d cast a line into the infinite wisdom of this sub. So yeah, just hoping to find a nice room we can look out and see the water when we’re finally married and horrendously hung over :)
