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Join r/AskRobotics - our community's Q/A subreddit!Question

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Pinnedby sleepystar96Tinkerer
Chatbot Content Is Horrible! Help us fix that!!Discussion

Hi Community!

We agree with you: there's way too much obviously generated content that's either low quality or out right inflammatory. And we need help with curation. Keeping up with our academic and professional responsibilities doesn't leave a lot of time for us to build & maintain a counter-chatbot automod. Not saying that it's never going to happen, just that there isn't a lot of bandwidth so progress will be slow.

Lately, a few mods and I have noticed that folks avoid the Report feature. We've heard a lot of reasons reaching from "I forgot I could do that!" to "We're worried folks will report-bomb us in retaliation." But please, use it! Most of us only have time to moderate when we're doom-scrolling, and we see the reports and act quickly. Otherwise we only find junk content when it pops up in our feeds and nothing improves.

So, help us help the community! And thank you for your support!

Pinnedby jhill515ModeratorIndustry, Academia, Entrepreneur, & Craftsman
To what extent is it possible to build something like a Star Wars droid as a one person project (chat gpt, home assistant,...)?Question


I want to build myself a little robot / personal assistant inspired by the droids in Star Wars and wonder to what extent it would be possible to build one. I only have a very basic python and javascript knowledge and need to rely on YouTube tutorials and such.

I want the robot to primarily be a voice assistant that is linked to my smart home devices via home assistant. Also it would be more than awesome if it could have some sort of randomized move sets, facial recognition and the ability to automatically return to its charging station.

Basically like a Vector-Robot but with chat gpt and smart home controls and a chassis that looks like it's out of the SW universe.

I did some research and found tutorials for all the functions I want it to have, but I wonder if and how it's possible to merge all of it into one robot.

I've watched tutorials on how to make a "JARVIS" with Chat Gpt. It seems to work really well but I wonder if it's possible to give the VA a bit more of a personality and some quirks (for example I really enjoyed the stuttering droid in the Andor TV series). All the Jarvis tutorials still felt like I'm talking to chat gpt.

How can I link the Voice Assistant to the robot body and it's other functions. My dream would be something like: I return home, the robot recognizes me and makes some beep-beep noises and maybe moves around a little bit or even follows me for a short period of time. It should also react to commands like "go to sleep" or "be quiet". I then tell it to turn on my lights and ask it how the weather will be tomorrow. After that it needs to recharge and drives back to it's charging station.

I am aware that it's a very ambitious and maybe unrealistic project for one person but I see it primarily as an opportunity to learn robotics as a hobby. I already have one of these arduino "build your own robot" kits from amazon but I assume that a raspberry would be more suitable for my project. As I'm new to the subject I ask myself how and where to start. Are there any tutorials for similar projects? Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

Suggest me some ideas for games/applications for kinova gen 3 lite robotic arm for kids ?Question

Right now I have a setup of assembling objects with joystick. Also suggest something like playing chess may be by connecting a camera input and some algorithm

What machinery do I need to produce the parts for a robotic arm?Question

Hello everyone, I would like to produce a robot arm at home starting from some open source projects I found online like these:

my idea is to produce them in aluminum in order to have much magggiore repeatability and accuracy than producing them in plastic using normal 3D printing. I would like to know what macchianaries I would need to make the various components needed to produce these types of robots and where I can find them at a favorable price. If anyone would be able to point me to the machines I need and how they can be used to produce the various parts I would be really grateful.

UTI's Robotics and Automation programQuestion

Hello, does anybody know if the Universal Technical Institute robotics program is actually useful in becoming a "Robotics technician." Or is it a waste?

There is both a year long course, and one for getting an AA degree that is a year and a half long.

I was thinking of getting the degree. But it seems so pricey and I've read that robotics isn't easy to get into.

What type of Motors are used in Mars Rover Prototypes?Question

Me along with my team are building a mars rover for an inter-state competition, similar to ones made in University Rover Challenge (URC).

This is the first time me and my team has been working on big/heavy projects like this so what type of motors are used to drive a heavy rover like this?

Is it just a normal brushed motor with a high ratioed gearbox, brushless motors, planetary gear motors, stepper motors, or something else? And what are the pros and cons of one over the other?

Also, are the motors used to change the direction also the same motors with some mechanical system attached to it (something like in manual cars), or will using servos be better?

What are some of the best books for more advanced robotics?Discussion

Most of the books I find are targeted towards kids and are very basic (basic circruits, understanding what basic sensors and motors do, etc), but they don't go in depth very much.

What are some advanced robotics books that you all can recommend?

What are you building with Nema17 steppers?Discussion

I give up my old 3D printer and am about to have 5 Nema17 stepper motors with drivers.

I want to dive into robotics (never have built a robot) and I’m looking for some cool ideas.

So: What are you building with Nema17’s?

Seamlessly integrate generative AI into your robotics stacks!Showcase

We just released an open-source library with toolkits making it easy to integrate state-of-the-art transformers into embodied agents for any robot. It has a consistent interface for calling different AI models, handling multimodal data, and using/creating datasets trained on different robots. Feel free to try it out! Any feedback is welcome!

Do we typically use active or passive transformation in robotics?Question

I'm confused about this, because we were always thought to use active transforms for about everything including defining coordinate frames. But, now I'm learning about passive transforms, specifically for defining coordinate frames and I am confused about which one to use. Active transforms feel simpler and intuitive, whereas passive transforms require a bit more thought. Is there any advantages to passive transforms over active transforms for coordinate frames?

Omnibot batteries and ChargingQuestion

So recently I was able to get my hands on an Omnibot (1980s) and it’s in good condition. Everything is there except the charger. I’m not super knowledgeable on robots and I don’t want to accidentally break it. So does anyone know if it would be okay to get a replacement charger or would that fry the machine? And if that would fry the machine, where can I buy a charger that would work instead? And do they still sell recharge batteries that are similar to the ones made in 1980s?

Need Help Starting a 6 DoF Manipulator Project with ROS2 on Raspberry Pi/Jetson NanoQuestion

Hi everyone,

I'm new to ROS2 and looking to dive into a project using the 'learn by doing' approach, which has worked well for me in the past. My goal is to build a 6 DoF manipulator using either a Raspberry Pi or Jetson Nano. I have a fair amount of experience with both boards and have completed several projects with them. Additionally, I'm proficient in C++ and Python.

I'm feeling a bit lost on where to start with this project. Can anyone recommend a well-documented open-source manipulator project that I can use as a reference or base for my work? Any tips or resources for getting started with ROS2 for this type of project would also be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Need help with 3D SLAM on gazebo ignitionDiscussion

Im new to ROS2 and gazebp ignition as a whole. I need to work out 3D slam on drone with intel realSense depth camera(no lidar). Initially im trying to perform 3D slam on tt4 as it has realSense cam as well. Bt m not able to simulate it in the gazebo ignition, morelike, idk how to. I want to perform RTabMap on ROS2 on turtlebot in gazebo ignition. Does anyone has any good repository for the same ?