It's not everytime he pees but it happens often, either dripping onto the rim of the toilet (which he then wipes) or onto the bathmat. It's the same bathmat we use when we step out of the shower. I told him I can't understand why it's so difficult to not miss or just lean over more, he says it's not possible/not the point. Says it happens when something is blocking the urethra and he can't always tell if it's going to happen or control it. I asked why can't he sit down then if you know you had a wank earlier in the day or something so it might be blocked causing split stream and he said it wasn't the first pee he's had since then.

He's very frustrated evey time I bring it up and we both get annoyed. Am I being unreasonable?

M27 F27 we've been together 5 years

Tdlr bf occasionally drips onto bathmat when he pees, is this something silly to be annoyed about