What I mean by that is she has a playlist of like 70 versions of the song simple and clean from kingdom hearts.

This song:


Its been 2 years and its literally the only thing she will listen to if given the choice. She doesn't like force me to listen to it or anything, but if we are in the car and she has her phone synced up its just that, when we get home she pops it onto the Bluetooth speaker in the living room and its just that.

Its the song in Japanese or English or French, there are techno remixes, there's a Mario paint version, there is what sounds like a lap steel cover, but its all the same song. I ask her about this and she just insists its fine and its just what she likes and wants to listen to. I love her a lot and this seems like such a silly thing to break up over, but lets say we have kids soon? How do I explain to our kids that mommy only listens to one song over and over again? This is dysfunctional right?

EDIT AND UPDATE: alright I guess I'm wrong and mean and everything but to clear some points up:

I have asked her about autism and she didn't get mad or anything she just says something like "lol maybe" and leaves it at that. I'm not an expert or know anything about it but she doesn't like stim or have a problem talking to people or being outgoing so idk.

I'm not going to like demand my gf wear headphones every time she listens to music I feel that is disordered too.

I've tried to introduce her to my music and she days it's fine and doesn't care when I play it but if it's her choice it's just simple and clean eminem Mashup followed by simple and clean jazz trombone cover

So idk