Does anyone in Vancouver know of any hiking trails where people abide by the leash laws more often than not??? 😂 Or suggestions how to manage on hikes?

I’m so frustrated by off leash dogs and especially frustrated at the owners who let their dogs rudely rush up, straight on, and sometimes AGGRESSIVELY, to my LEASHED DOG. Then of course my dog is the problem, and we go home and I probably maybe cry.

We’re being isolated because of this and I feel like she misses out on so much. I do everything I can in our yard, it’s a rental so it’s not fenced and I can’t get it fenced so I normally have her on a long lead. Not because of her recall but because the neighbours dog doesn’t have one and rushes us whenever he’s let out, I want to have some sort of control to usher her inside if I have to. Even in our own yard she can’t even experience off-leash freedom.

I haven’t tried Sniffspot yet, not quite the same thing as a hike. I’m disappointed I can’t feel safe taking her on a hiking trail when she loves coming with me. I hate leaving her at home when I don’t have the energy to deal with the ignorance. People go into nature to relax, I wish other people were respectful of that and of course the leash laws.

Picture of my gorgeous girl 💕