Apologies in advance for any spelling errors, I am litterally shaking with anger right now.

Walking my dog just now, did a little training getting her to lay down while people passed all went well untill walking home. There is a narrow ally to walk down, she is fine passing people there as long as they ignore her and I tell her to stay by me. As we reach the end some snaggle tooth crackhead looking guy comes around the corner almost walking into us. Before I can call her back to my side (she was on a six foot leash) the guy drops into a wide legged stance leaning towards her and starts making "OH!, OH!, OH!" noises at her. She goes absoultly nuts as you can imagine.

I thought he must have had some sort of learning disablility at first from the strange sounds and actions so dragged her away back up the ally (with him folowing still aggitating her) to where there was space and got her under control. I was thinking oh man we just scared the crap out of some poor autistic person or something when he starts telling me to muzzle my fucking dog if its aggresssive and asking is she supposed to be attack dog or somthing and how dogs that are aggressive shouldnt be allowed. I did call him a fu**ing c**t when he threatened to attack me so maybe made it a bit worse but couldnt help myself.

Two other people passed us fine during the encounter btw but being a Belgian Mal she was fully locked on him wanting to go and hardly even noticed them. She was a good girl the rest of the way home but I decided to go look for the guy and ask why he felt the need to tease my dog then complain when she reacted.

At first he said he didn't tease her, so I demonstrated what he did coming around the corner and asked why he did it. He said my dog "disrepected" him, I was honestly gobsmaked. A few neighbours came to look at the shouting by now (he was threatening me the whole time once I said I didnt want to fight him, one of those types who think that means your afraid to fight them). So I loudly said to make him look stupid "My dog disrepected you so you wound her up? How did she disrepect you? Shes a dog and doesnt understand things like that." A neighbour laughed.

At this point he really lost his temper "Dont you fu**ing laugh at me. You shouldnt have a dog that barks at people like that anyway" Ect. Then the one that really pissed me off "That dog comes near me and I will put it in its grave".

I have not always been such a nice patient guy, there was a time I would have punched him in the mouth as soon as he asked to fight me but health conditions mean I can't really fight anymore even if I want to, heck I was getting out of breath arguing. Thing is after hearing that I so badly want to go stand in the guys front yard and shout "Get out her so I can kick your last two teeth out." Reasonable people of reddit tell me why this would be a bad idea before I get myself in trouble please. (have calmed down a little typing that though, hands not shaking as much now).

EDIT: Just spoken to my GF on the phone and she thinks it's the same guy who has been acting wierd and coming and sitting in the middle of our training sessions forcing us to move. Now I am worried this is the same guy and provoking my dog is an escalation of the behaviour. Maybe he has a problem with me and has decided to take it out on my dog. Might start wearing a body cam to cover myself.