Moved to a new city, new vet, I told her about my 6yo doodle's very hard to control reactivity (lunging barking at everything, not to the point of biting/aggression though) and she prescribed prozac right away.

My dog was (and probably still is) going through a very traumatic moment but the prozac seemed to hit hard... she has low appetite but she almost stopped eating entirely. Wasn't interested in any type of playing, etc. just lay on her bed all day. Very depressing to see her that way (and it didn't even solve her reactivity when we saw especially dogs on our walks). So overall, all bad.

So I'm a bit nervous to ask the vet about trazodone since I don't want to put her through all that again. I know there's only one way to find out, and I want her to feel calm and secure on our walks (I do all the R+ training recommended and have been very strict with that after getting off prozac).

I'm hoping and praying trazodone + R+ structure on walks will be the magic bullet for her reactivity.

Anyone have any experience of success with trazodone despite not having any success with prozac?