I am 34 years old and live in Canada, and currently can't afford a lawyer. My mother has frequently threatened to have me declared legally incompetent and take over my finances and other important official aspects of my life, usually when I try to assert some kind of independence or annoy her somehow (I am disabled both physically, due to a back and knee injury, and mentally, due to severe depression and anxiety- guess where from!) She let it go for a while, but recently due to some mess-up with shipping an order I made earlier this year I discovered I've lost $400 I can't get back, and she found out and started making ominous comments about "letting" me remain in charge of my own bank account if I could "prove I'm responsible enough." Is there anything I can do to protect myself in advance of her acting? Hopefully something I can do without her finding out, because if she thinks I'm trying to stop her it will get much worse.