This is a little bit silly/embarassing, but I watched Encanto with my toddler for the first time last year - around the same time that I was starting the hard work of unpacking my nparent-related trauma - and I was an absolute WRECK. Couldn’t stop crying for most of the movie. The circumstances of the story are totally different from my family, but the themes and characterizations (enormous pressure to perform, siblings forced to hide their true selves, feeling like you’re the one holding everything together, etc) combined with knowing I’ll never have the “happy ending” that the movie’s characters achieve just totally destroyed me. Ultimately it was a positive cathartic experience but it caught me totally off-guard! To this day I can’t even listen to the soundtrack without tearing up. (Yes, I’m lame).

What other movies (or other media) can y’all name that include themes related to narcissistic families? Looking for both recommendations and watch-outs if there are any to avoid.

EDIT - Thank you all for the thoughtful responses!