They preemptively emailed me! I've never had this happen and, honestly, I didn't realize how much it would mean to me. I teared up. Here's the email, although I've removed the company name because I don't want this to sound like an ad:

Hi [clumsy_chica],

At [super thoughtful company], we want to connect with you in ways that inspire and spark joy. In staying true to that commitment, we understand that Mother’s Day might be a sensitive time for many of us.

If you prefer to pause upcoming Mother’s Day emails and texts, just click the link below, and we’ll take care of the rest.

Don’t worry, you’ll still be in the loop about future promotions, launches, and [super thoughtful company] news as usual.

Opt out of Mother's Day Communications

(p.s. this link will redirect you to our website after clicking)


The [super thoughtful company] Team