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What do you bring with you on the water for a commercial trip?

I’m trying to put together a dry bag to bring with me on my trips. I work on clear creek. The trips are 6-9 miles and we are on the water for about 1.5 hours per trip. The water is usually sub 40 degrees F.

Here’s what I’m thinking: Extra fleece Gloves cuz people’s hands get scary cold Snacks Maybe an inhaler? First aid stuff Maybe stuff to set up a Z drag

What else 😁

Any raft guide interested in running trips on the French Broad River? About 20 minutes away from Hartford.

Looking for guides to work trips for a guide owned company. Class 2, 6 mile trips, average trip time is 3 hours (currently), and company is at takeout. The takeout is also where we offer camping, guides are welcome to camp (for free of course).

What raft to get...
What raft to get... Rafting - Private

I am looking to buy a raft for the family and to take on trips with friends this fall. Against better judgement I'm looking to have a one boat quiver. Based in TN, it's going to predominantly be used on the Ocoee, Gauley, New, and other SE rivers, in an R4 to R7 configuration. I do make trips out west every couple of years so I want a good boat for an oar rig set up too. I'll take recommendations for other boats too but I think I've got it narrowed down to the AIRE 143D, 146DD, or the NRS E140. I want something that's playful and fun in a paddling configuration, but also capable of a week long river trip out west on the Salmon, Grand, Kern, Rogue, and others.

What are your opinions and why?

Ways to ask for tips

I am a guide and am struggling with letting my tip talk flow without being awkward. What are some ideas for good ways to incorporate tipping into the end of the trip talk?

Right now I say this: as guides we are a part of the service industry so we do accept tips. Feel free to get out your wallet, take out $100, and hand us your wallet.

That gets a good laugh but I need more ideas.

permit for the middle fork of the salmon aug 27

hi yall! i won a permit for the middle fork this year and all the folks i was planning this trip with have been unable to commit so i’m opening it up to others. if yer interested, hmu.

to be completely honest, i have no business in being a trip lead. hoping others wouldn’t mind leading and allowing me to jump in on yer trip

Ocoee Rafting

Any operators running trips on the middle Ocoee on Tuesday 5/21/2024? This is my only time off. Won’t be around for the official start of season on Memorial Day.

5 Reasons Why Clear Creek Rafting Should Be on Your Bucket List

White River rafting

Are you considering adding whitewater river rafting to your bucket list? Well, why not? Clear Creek rafting, Upper Colorado River rafting, and White River rafting offer thrills, natural beauty, physical challenges, and bonding opportunities, all rolled into one unforgettable adventure. In this article, Let's break down each of these benefits below:

Where can I find customer pfds in bulk? I’ve had no luck

Hey fellow boaters. After 15 years of being a raft guide, I am starting my own rafting/tubing/ducky company. I am struggling to find universal fit customer pfds and helmets, but mostly pfds I can afford since I need so many. I need type III and type V. Does anyone know of a good source, it would be super duper helpful for me and I’d be incredibly grateful for any help. These are the absolute last pieces of gear I need.

Non permit sections of the Colorado

Does anyone know of a good website or map that highlights what sections of the river a permitted? I want to go down to Moab and raft but I haven’t found a good source for where to go without a permit

Cold weather rafting

Hey everyone, i’ve been rafting for a while but i’ve only been in sunny weather. Does anyone have a suggestions for what to wear to stay warmish on a cloudy/cold day?! Thanks!

Bowline pronunciation

In USA English, how do you pronounce the raft’s bowline? A: Is it bowline, like take a bow, like bow of a ship? or B: Is it bowline, like tie a bow, like the bowline knot?

Help please.

Installing a tizip on raft thwart

I'm trying to come up with a solution for better gear storage on my 3.9 metre raft for multi-day trips.

My packraft has a tizip so I can put my gear inside it. I've considered if the same could be done on my thwarts on the 3.9 m PVC raft. Ideally sleeping bags and tents could go in there. I'm considering if the tizip would cause too much of a weakness in the thwart or not.

Does anyone have any experience of doing this or know of a reason why it might be a bad idea?

Rafting in Queenstown, NZ

Hello. My family and I will be in NZ in December. We are experienced river people and would like to go on a guided trip with class 3-4 water. Any outfits you can recommend in Queenstown or up the coast from there?

Building a barrel pump

I have some extra 6 in pipe Im going to make into a barrel pump.

Check valve, hose and hose fitting to check valve are just NRS parts.

Handle and end caps are easy.

Found a few guides on making the piston. Planning on using craft foam (EVA) to make the flappy seal ring.

Just wondering if you know of other guides I could use fir inspiration?

Carlson hones their pvc bodies. Is this a needed step? I figure Ill try without honing first.

This will be a beast. Im tall and am tired of bending over to use barrel pumps. Im thinking this is going to be a 32 in stroke.

I have a k pump for topping.

What are your thoughts?

What white water rivers have rafting outfitters and lodging options similar to "Adventures on the Gorge?"

My wife and I are looking to plan another white water rafting trip. Last year we stayed at the Adventures on the Gorge campus in West Virginia and rafted the New River. We were impressed by the whitewater (which was perfect for our skill level) and equally as impressed by the campus of the outfitter which had a variety of different lodging, bars, and restaurants as well as a pool and other adventure options throughout the property. While the quality of the river is important, we're giving equal or even slightly more weight to the lodging area for things to do off the river.

We've already done the Nantahala, the Ocoee, and the New rivers. We're looking for a river in the continental United States for a summer trip...July or August.

We'd appreciate any input or recommendations based on positive experiences from those who have stayed at white water rafting centers/resorts/campuses.

Thanks in advance.

Seeking a private guide

Is it possible to independently contract a river guide for a private trip? I got a permit for the main salmon but my experienced friend can’t go anymore. Still wanting to go, but would feel more comfortable with a skilled rower for the III+ rapids

Top 3 PFDs for Raft use only? No Kayak PFDs please

In my first year of raft ownership. RMR storm. I watch a lot of gear garage, and I think that Zach has made some really good observations about the use of Green/Blue Jackets making it hard to get back into raft. A lot of PFDs on the market are meant for kayaking. They sit high up. They protrude from chest making raft re-entry difficult. They aren't great options for raft owners.

So I'm asking the boys today - What PFDs do you love in the context of exclusive use for rafting. What are comfortable to wear all day. What are you finding your friends are willing to wear on class 1, flat water.

Currently I own:

  1. NRS Big Water Guide PFD - I love it. Fit is great. 23lb float. Does not ride up.
  2. NRS Chinook - Rides up while wearing it. I imagine a swim with this one would ride up and suck. 16lb float.

I need to get another vest or two for friends. Im afraid that the NRS Big water might be too big for people on calm runs (class1-2). So Im wondering if people have other recommendations in the pure context of raft paddling. Also whats up with everything being 16lbs of float!? Give that 18lb+! Thanks guys! (I did search this topic before posting)

Wild Rivers

We were commercial rafters in the Cheat River in West Virginia. This work wasn’t for sissies. On any given day of the spring we might be presented with anything from mild to wild, Class III to Class V++. Our company is still going, the only one left still running there. As far as I know, the Cheat is one of only two wild rivers still commercially rafted. The Yampa in Colorado, being the other. Does anyone know of any other wild (un-dammed) river in the US, or that is still being commercially rafted?