I was recently diagnosed with PTSD from several calls I attended as a paramedic. Because the diagnosis is still new for me, I'm finding it difficult to share my journey. I think because there are a lot of ups and downs..... this healing process definitely isn't linier, and the downs can get pretty dark.

My therapist has encouraged me to share my feelings with my support people. But I'm finding that I'm "people pleasing" my feelings/answers to them because I don't want to worry them.

My outlet is through art. I draw and write poetry. But I'm reluctant to even share those because the emotions that are coming out in the process are dark. And thus, I dont want to worry anyone. I'm not at risk of unaliving myself. That has never been an issue. But, some of my art could be viewed from that stand point.

Has anyone, especially in the early days of healing, had this issue? Have you (or are you) scared/shy/intimidated to share how you are feeling?