Psychology Research

r/psychologyresearch41.5K subscribers5 active
Seeking an expert in autism please read full detailsResearch

I am seeking a genuine professional that has extensive experience with children and teens on the spectrum that would be comfortable have discussion on my YT show on an episode to discuss how traumas and other types of a#use effect children and teens on the spectrum. Please reach out with your credentials if you’d be comfortable doing this. Thank you

How to summarise the methodology of a randomised controlled trial in one sentence......

Hi.....can someone please write me an example of how to summarise a randomised controlled trial basically in one sentence, incorporating four elements: sample size, method of data collection (cross-sectional or longitudinal), instruments utilised (interviews, surveys, psychometric measures, etc), and method of analysis/study design (quant/qual, correlational, experimental, etc).

For example if the research study was a randomised controlled trial (n=55), comparing simple relaxation (n=20) to acceptance and commitment therapy (n=35). The Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression (CES-D)32 was administered pre- and post-intervention to measure changes in depressive symptoms.

In order to compare pre- and post-intervention scores within each group, paired t-test or Wilcoxon signed-rank test was conducted as appropriate Pre-intervention scores were obtained at the start of the program. Post-intervention scores for participants in ACT were measured after the 8 week program had ended, and 8 weeks after the 2-day program had ended for those in the relaxation program. A repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) was also conducted in order to compare the effectiveness of the simple relaxation and ACT programs.

How could this study's methodology be summarised in one sentence?

I need some advice for creating experiments using MATLABQuestion
I need some advice for creating experience using MATLAB

So, I am still in my undergrad majoring in psychology but after being a part of multiple research projects offered by cognitive science professors in my university I've realised that I want to continue in this field and stay in academia...

I'm very new to lab work and I've observed that most of these psychophysics experiments are made on MATLAB. Are there any good videos or courses that I can use to get started with it? I have no knowledge of MATLAB but I do know some python enough to make experiments using PsychoPy.

I tried to look for courses online but I couldn't find any that were good for beginners and cognitive science. I've been recommended to read the book 'Matlab for psychologists" but idk if reading a book will actually help with practical application.

Any help would be great! Thanks!!

Edit: *EXPERIMENTS this damn autocorrect

[Question] I did (Aligned rank transform) Art-ANOVA but my summary results are 0

Hi all,
I am new to stats and R. For my 2x2 study behaviour study analysis where I asked participant to rate emotion on 1 to 7 scale, I did Aligned rank transform ANOVA from ARTool. My Structure is fine for the model but summary says 0. I am not sure how to interpret this. Is something wrong or this is completely ok?

Requesting Scientific Papers: Comparative Analysis of Singlehood Rates and Divorce Rates Across European Countries (Male Perspective)

Greetings, Redditors!

I'm currently engaged in a comparative analysis project examining singlehood rates among males and divorce rates in heterosexual couples across various European countries. My aim is to understand the disparities and similarities in these trends and to explore the underlying factors driving them.

Specifically, I'm interested in finding scientific papers or studies that offer insights into:

  1. The variation in singlehood rates among males across different European countries.
  2. Comparative studies on divorce rates in heterosexual couples, highlighting the countries with notably lower rates.

By examining these factors on a country-to-country basis, I hope to uncover valuable insights into the socio-cultural, economic, and demographic dynamics influencing relationship patterns in Europe.

If you're aware of any scientific literature or studies that address these topics and provide comparative analyses across European countries, I'd greatly appreciate your recommendations!

Thank you in advance for your contributions and insights!

Journal SuggestionsDiscussion

I wrote a paper, a metastudy on the impact of the pandemic on mental health. I'm looking to publish, and any suggestions for a relevant journal to publish would be appreciated!

SART 2 PsytoolkitQuestion

Can I reduce the number of trials in SART 2 Psytoolkit? How will this affect the analysis?

Criticism of Projection

Does anyone know of academic research articles that critique the concept of Projection in psychology?

If you do, can you please provide references or links (if allowed here).

Thanks so much!

What are some good online resources for studying psychology?Question

The title basically summarizes it. I'm looking for truthful online resources. I'm sorry if this is the wrong subreddit to ask this.

Is there a way to do statistical analysis, comparing two treatments without any replications?
Is there a way to do statistical analysis, comparing two treatments without any replications?

Is there a way to do statistical analysis, comparing two treatments without any replications? Due to some constraints we weren't able to have replicates for our 2 treatments. It's our first time doing experimental so we have no prior knowledge in this area.

Thank you...

Where could I find/purchase Compound PsyCap Scale (CPC-12)? Question

Hello, I cannot seem to find CPC-12 anywhere, does anyone have any information about that? Thank you in advance!

Any research on dress code v violence/attitudes for public schools?

I’m not talking about uniforms. I am talking simple dress codes: like - no exposed under garments, no offensive, political, special interest, political nor religious logos/sayings on clothing, no hats indoors, including no hoods, etc. I am looking for any correlation between the way students dress and student violence, grades and attitudes. Are there any great research studies out there that is pro dress codes ?

Help needed locating study on male vs. female infant-directed attentionResearch

When speaking about nature vs nurture in a lecture a few years ago, Robert Sapolsky mentioned that studies found that male and female infants received different amounts and types of attention even in their first hours or day(s) of life.

I haven't been able to find this specific research, can anyone help me out?

Need advice for low response rateQuestion

Hello I really need some advice right now, for context, we employed a purposive sampling with a quite specific criteria.

  1. We are studying influencers and we have three variables. One dependent, one independent, and one moderating.
  2. Unfortunately, the response rate is really low, we have only gathered 100 respondents and we need to analyze the data asap.
  3. We will be using multiple linear regression

My questions are: a. Is the sample size too small for a regression analysis? b. Is purposive sampling ok to be used for quantitative research? Since from my recent searches, it was often used for qualitative.

I hope someone could offer any advice.

Need advice for low response rateQuestion

Hello I really need some advice right now, for context, we employed a purposive sampling with a quite specific criteria.

  1. We are studying influencers and we have three variables. One dependent, one independent, and one moderating.
  2. Unfortunately, the response rate is really low, we have only gathered 100 respondents and we need to analyze the data asap.
  3. We will be using multiple linear regression

My questions are: a. Is the sample size too small for a regression analysis? b. Is purposive sampling ok to be used for quantitative research? Since from my recent searches, it was often used for qualitative.

I hope someone could offer any advice.

Need advice for low response rateQuestion

Hello I really need some advice right now, for context, we employed a purposive sampling with a quite specific criteria.

  1. We are studying influencers and we have three variables. One dependent, one independent, and one moderating.
  2. Unfortunately, the response rate is really low, we have only gathered 100 respondents and we need to analyze the data asap.
  3. We will be using multiple linear regression

My questions are: a. Is the sample size too small for a regression analysis? b. Is purposive sampling ok to be used for quantitative research? Since from my recent searches, it was often used for qualitative.

I hope someone could offer any advice.

I need help / suggestions for my psychology annual project .Project

I am 12 grade student . For my annual psychology project , I am suppose to find a person with some psychology problem ( anything - even from bulimia nervosa to ptsd to some serious problem ) and prepare a case study on that person . It doesn't matter if the person no longer have that problem . The guidelines I have been given are -

  • I have to conduct an interview ( can be online and through voice or texts ) from the subject and his/her family members .
  • I have to collect basic information like biological information ( Name , Age , DOB , etc ) , Personal history , Family history etc

    I can hide some of the information to make sure that person info stay hidden if they don't want there real being in use .

  • The person have to be diagnosed and I want a copy of that report stating that.

How can I find Some one and can perform this project , I need advice from those students who have a lil bit experience with similar project or who can brainstorm and suggests me few tips .

I would be grateful for all the responses and Sorry if u find my english is kinda weak .

IPS Supported EmploymentDiscussion


I am currently an employee at a non-profit who works with the IPS Supported Employment Program. I have recently been having arguments with my state trainer who thinks we should be spending more time in the community with our clients. I tried to argue with her that community time with clients is not neccessary to bring about client's success. She will constantly say stuff like (to paraphrase) "the research says that increased community time leads to better outcomes". I have tried to find research on IPS but all I can find are articles saying that the IPS program is most effective but it doesn't say WHY it is most effective. In other words, I cannot find anything that says community time SPECIFICALLY results in better outcomes for clients. I am convinced they are just running with a coorelation but I have no solid data to back this up because I can't find research that particularly focuses on community time. Please help me find data that support my point or hers. I don't care if she's correct, but I can't even find the data to support either of our positions.

Can I get some science based information on Pseudo Dementia and what causes it?Research

I know Depression, trauma and stress can can be one of the reasons. I know it is reversible. I want to know more about this topic any article/research paper/ your own personal experience/ your own personal knowledge will be appreciated. And how to reverse it?

Something you’ve always wanted?


Someone special to me is finishing his Doctorate of Psychology soon, and I want to make him something special that he will be able to use in his work; I know he uses a lot of R.

My skills are software programming, electronics, and wood work. I can 3D Print, but it’s a bit of a challenge. I have about 6-7 months to work on this.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Any tools, physical or computer, you wish you had for your daily work?

Thanks in advance!

Any way to score the MCCB without the MSCEIT program?

I recently got added to a research project at my work that’s been stalled for the past couple years. I’m scoring the Matrics Consensus Cognitive Battery (MCCB) as part of research on cognitive remediation. The interviews and testing has all been completed the only thing left is to crunch the numbers.

Unfortunately, whoever worked on this before me only installed the CPT-IP software and not the software to score the MSCEIT Branch 4.

The questions regarding the MSCEIT seem simple enough and I have the responses. Is there anyway I can score this by hand or do I have to try and get access to the software?

Need Advice To Recruit Teens with Android Phones (USA)Discussion

My research team is struggling to find teens who use Android phones in the US to participate in our study that pays well. Does anyone have advice on how to find teens who use Android phones? :(

We’re really struggling here and have tried a lot of different avenues of advertising, but I know most interested people have iPhones.