That was absolutely amazing!
I mean I thought the first two movies were alright but then they went and knocked it out of the park on this one.

This truly felt like a psych story: the jokes, the mystery, the characters were so well written too...

Highlights are definitely any scene with Selene's husband (Shawn and Gus negotiating the terms of the heist, them sitting on the truck talking about how he "must have a little trampoline" because he jumped up a ledge while Alan goes back and forth bewildered that they STILL HAVENT LEFT THE TRUCK), the fricking birth-wedding culminating with every main character screaming and Shawn crying over goo, Gus in general, just killing it.

Love any story where Gus takes the initiative and it was so great to see after he starts leading the investigation. He's so no-bullshit go-in-guns-blazing even though he's still the same dummy ("Let me ask the questions, Shawn. .... She isn't Prince, is she?").

That scene where Selene's fake sister falls off a cliff in her car and they have a conversation after giving her props for the cool trajectory the car had. Her trying to hide behind a 10 cm wide tree. Just incredible.

Also quite funny that they wrapped the movie in a Marvel Studios-like frame, even ending in a post-credits scene.

Idk, everything about this movie clicked. Makes the other two pale in comparison. Very excited for whenever the 4th one drops and I hope they keep going until they can't anymore 😂