Hey pre-dads, my pregnant wife recently took the genetic carrier test (112 diseases) and came back positive for a couple of diseases. Natera then reached out to me to get the genetic testing done as well. I haven't done it yet as we're waiting to see what the bill is going to be for my wife's testing. About 6 months ago, I did 23andMe and have the "health" component which I can pay to unlock. It seems that this would include the results for a disease that my wife tested positive for.

So I'm wondering, should I just pay 23andMe to unlock this to get the results that way? Seems like I can get it for $75. My understanding is that the Natera test could be closer to $250, if not more (although it would include testing for more diseases). Has anyone gone through a similar situation? Should I also just do the Natera test?