Hello, I recently found my car broken into and a lot of valuables stolen. I called the police immediately and was told I’d “receive a call back”. I never got a call, and it’s now been over 5 hours. Is the “call back” to actually file a police report? I guess I have just never seen a literal crime handled with such nonchalance. I understand Pittsburgh Police are busy people, but I guess I just don’t understand the process, as I have not been the victim of this type of crime in Pittsburgh before.

Any advice or explanations for my confusion?

Anything helps!

Edit: some of yall are mean!!! By valuables, I mean my car registration, a bunch of chargers and portable chargers, an emergency credit card, and a box of tools. I didn’t leave a safe with jewelry in my car 😭 but yes I have received a call back so I’ll make sure to stay on it