Hello, i have like 7 liters of apple cider vinegar that is doing nothing in my cupboard and i am simply tired of looking at them, and i would like to know what i can do with them.

I gave it some thought and i remembered a while ago i ate what i think was some ready to eat pickled vegetables at this Ukrainian store not to far away from my house,

i remember that this ready to eat pickled vegetable meal had eggplant in it and it needed to be refrigerated,

i have never ever in my life liked pickled vegetables except this one meal that i ate, i asked them for the recipe and they said it was a secret,

I'm going to go back to the Ukrainian store and get another one of these ready meals but before i did i wanted to ask the community here a few questions

1: is it a good idea to pickle eggplant with apple cider vinegar?

2: does anyone have any idea what this yummy pickled eggplant recipe could be?

thank you