I had literally been practicing two pieces for months to audition for a spot at a music school that advertises "Music learning for all ages". They teach basic levels from total beginner. Then, once I called them to book a slot for the audition, they asked "So can we have the name of your child" to which I replied "No, I'm actually the one who would like lessons" then the person on the phone was like "What. Just a second let me check" then proceeded to talk to another person "An adult woman is trying to get lessons!" with a super judgemental voice. Then "No we can't do that. You are an adult woman, you just can not come here.". I get it that piano lessons are a children's thing mostly, you have to start young and so on. But I just felt super shamed like it's somehow inappropriate for my age to be wanting to play piano.

So Now I'm feeling like a complete idiot and don't know where else to ask since this is the only musical school in my area. Anyone else had similar reactions and is it actually not normal to have piano lessons as adult?