I've recently started a new job where my health insurance options are either a PPO at $250 per month, or an HSA at $180 per month (which would mean I could put the extra $70 towards the HSA, right?). But as I'm looking through the plans, I'm not entirely convinced the HSA is a great deal.

About me, I'm a 36M single father of a 9y/o girl. We are both very healthy. I get sick occasionally with a seasonal cold or something, but they're never a big deal. In the last 6 years I have only ever gone to the doctor for annual checkups, and before that I had to go to an urgent care once to pick up antibiotics after I picked up a stomach bug in France. Still, I tend to think I have a strong immune system, I eat well, don't smoke, rarely drink, and do light workouts a few times a week. My daughter is similarly healthy.

The plans:

HSA & High Deductible PPO

Deductible - $5k person / $10k family.
OoP Max - $6,900 person / $13,800 family.
Preventative Care/Screenings/Immunizations - No charge.
Everything else - No charge after deductible is met.
Rx - Tier 1: $10 copay, Tier 2: $40 copay, Tier 3: $70 copay (All are after deductible has been met.)

Regular PPO

Deductible - $2k person / $4k family.
OoP Max - $4,500 person / $9k family.
Preventative Care/Screenings/Immunizations - No charge.
Doctor's Visits - Deductible does not apply, $30 copay for regular and $60 copay for specialist.
Surgery - Deductible does not apply, $60 copay per visit.
Urgent care - Deductible does not apply, $75 copay per visit.
ER - Deductible does not apply, $350 copay per visit and 20% co-x.
Everything else - 20% co-x after deductible is met.
Rx - Tier 1: $10 copay, Tier 2: $40 copay, Tier 3: $70 copay.

The way I see it, if I'm effectively saving $840 per year towards the HSA, that's ~6 years before I'm able to satisfy the deductible for just myself, much less me plus daughter. I personally don't think the HSA is worth choosing over the PPO in this case, but I'm curious to know what you guys think...?