2 years ago I was in an accident. I owe between 980k to a little over a million dollars. I got a 125k pain and suffering payout, worried the hospital is going to try to take all of it because I’m getting calls from collections. I am disabled because of the accident and I need this money for savings bc I am able to work, but have difficulty getting hired due to my disability and apparently am not disabled enough for disability pay in Georgia, not that I want it because I am still hoping to work. I am unemployed and the money is going to be in a shared account with my father.

My lawyer who helped me get the money is working pro bono and told me not to give them anything. There were no leans on the funds, according to my lawyer, and he says they are not entitled to the money because it’s pain and suffering not health insurance. Can they know how much money I have? Can they take it from me? I haven’t even gotten the money yet, it clears in the bank in a few days and there’s a lot of things I really need because I’ve been so broke without work for so long. All of a sudden I am getting these calls.

Please help me I’m very very anxious.

Edit: To be clear the $900,000 debt is all hospital bills for my injuries.