Path of Exile

r/pathofexile723.9K subscribers422 active
Questions Thread - June 03, 2024Discussion :twoc:

Questions Thread

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The idea is for anyone to be able to ask anything related to PoE:

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We'd like to thank those who answered questions in the last thread! You guys are the best.

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Please, ggg, save my potato pc...GGG Feedback


I genuinely dont understand why the option to disable other people in towns is not yet in the game. In my hideout I have 70-80 fps, I go to rogue harbour, I have 10-15 fps with very low resolution. It is extremely annoying...

shut down mapwatch (Utility by erosson)Information

Thanks erosson for all your work! I like the tool though see the limited personal return in time investment.

My Personal Reaction: This is sad. I crave map analytics especially in the endgame (like now). I was using it yesterday. I like to use the total maps ran (tree) map device instead of the clock tower (time tracking while in map) map device.

GGG: Give us a way to have more data in game please even if paid! Can we track time and number of maps completed? Can we have a tree that has clock towers as branches?! I'll leave the creative bits up to you. Keep on cooking.

Possible Lightning Arrow substitutes?Discussion :twoc:

Let's assume GGG takes a look at most common builds and swings the nerf-hammer at LA Deadeye, what skill would people who traditionally go this route use instead? Tornado Shot should be off the table, so could Ice Shot see more use? Or something entirely unexpected?

Path of Exile Build Roulette - Randomized Build vs End Game ContentVideo

Hi guys, Asmo here. I wanted to share with you the:

Build Roulette

This is a challenge I do nearly every league, that revolves around rolling a random skill and ascendancy and then making that into a build, no matter how bad it is :D It's a fun way to get creative with build making and it shows that virtually any combination can be made into a working build.

This time I rolled a ridiculous combo of Frozen Legion and Saboteur and took it to kill the pinnacle bosses, clear T17's and one shot conquerors - you can check out how it was done in this video:

Give it a shot and see what you can come up with! Good luck ;)

by AsmodeusWinsStatue
Flim flop with the glorpal jerpFluff

Half of the stuff I'm reading seems like another language.

I don't understand MOST of the game mechanics and all the build guides are so overwhelming. The item drops are also overwhelming, but I kinda understand the basics of switching out stuff with slightly better attributes- I think?

I have a skill tree screenshotted for a rough guide to follow for the build I'm smashing, I use new spells that are cool and shiney and I'm just hoping for a good time.

Bleed overall damage: (Sadism + Swift affliction) vs (Crimson dance + 2 extra dmg gems on a six link)Question

What is the better overall damage for these two circumstances? The former focuses on the modifier “deal damage faster” in order to compress bleed damage into a single quick stack whilst the latter option applies 8 bleed stacks that apply the damage over a longer period of time.

If we were to put a standard time of 10 seconds to unleash the damage, how would the two compare? I know that this is probably dependent on multiple factors such as physical damage and atk speed but if we were to maximise the strengths for each setting, which one would actually deal more damage within ten seconds?

Like for the sadism part, the base duration for a bleed stack is 0.56 seconds and with Swift affliction it’s even lower. I’m pretty sure the normal bleed duration is like 5 seconds or something. You can even make it less with other passives from the tree and from items.

Is there like a mechanical limitation to bleed application via atk speed? I’m not sure if I phrased that right but is there like a limit associated with bleeds and atk speed that may hinder the whole deal damage faster shenanigans?

I’m not sure if this is a dumb question or not, just something that’s been in my mind as I was playing a bleed build. There’s also the scenario for sadism + Crimson but again I don’t really understand the maths, my understanding is surface level at best.

It all seems confusing to me tbh.

Is this league still worth starting fresh?Question | Answered

I’ve been wanting to pay PoE recently and I’ve heard this league has a lot of issues. From what I understand there is a new league every 3 months? Is it worth playing now on a new character or should I just wait until the next league.

Standard farmingQuestion

Hey guys, I moved to standart and want to farm currency (what a surprise). Can anyone recommend some farming methods for standard with out requiring mf.

I'm gonna start on ssf and want to give it a go but not sure what to playQuestion

I am thinking of starting a ssf toon since i cant farm currency for any builds on trade. i been thinking of doing a minion build or RF just want to see want other people suggest

Which build to choose?Question | Answered

Hey, I am considering two builds to play: CoC DD and Ice Nova with Frostbolts, as they are both very popular. I am more of a new player, and I just hit a wall with Lightning Arrow, so I want to try something different. For now, I have about 12 divines. Do you have any suggestions on which one to select? Also, do you have any beginner-friendly guides for them?

Please, GGG, for next league make portal effect/HO as one of challenge rewardsGGG Feedback

Like title says, portal effect, HO were nice rewards for challanges and we really miss that. I'm not saying sets are bad, but we miss other rewards

How many divine lantern you guys found and how many killed count?Question | Answered

As the title say I kinda curious how many killed you'all at this time of the league and how many divine lantern conversion or just % you have found

me myself almost hit 4mil killed and haven't seen any


also to check how many kill use /kills


EDIT :Thanks for all the answer now I understand I will keep mapping until 5mil I hope I can hit divine lantern

2000 Heist wings - resultsData

Hello folks.
Necropolis is a heisting league for me. I've run around 5.5k wings, but for the last 2000 wings, I was capturing items I've dropped and calculated how good heisting is.

TLDR: I got 1311 divine income at 402 divine cost, resulting in the profit of 909 divines. The total time was 38.88 hours, resulting in 23.38 divine / hour. The average profit per wing was 0.45 divine.

Acquired items. Top row shows # of wings in the data set.

What character was used for this?
I am using an exsanguinate pathfinder. It serves both as a mapper and a heister with an easy gear switch.

What gear are you using on your rogues?

Are you revealing extra wings?
No. I am buying blueprints in bulk and running them as a single wing. From my calculation, this results in 1.8 divine profit per 4 minutes, compared to 2.5 divine profit per 6-7 minutes when I would be running contracts.

How lucky are your results?
Honestly, I think they are on the average side. I haven't seen Simplex or Focused amulets, which would influence the numbers significantly. Helical rings are also below average drop rate right now (4 helicals over 29 total rings).

What trinket are you using?
I am using 1% chaos to divine conversion trinket. Drops from the trinket are counted separately. I cannot 100% distinguish between natural divine drops and conversion drops, so I've assumed all non-curio divines were conversions.

Is this a final data set?
No. I plan to heist more. In my whole heisting career I found every possible item (including 2 Replica Bated Breaths) with the exception of the Simplex amulet. I would really like to correct this.

Are there any other notable drops?
What is not documented are fractured jewels. I'd made around 150 divines selling/crafting them. This is not included in the data.

What are the relevant assumptions for this data set?
Divine to chaos ratio of 1 to 130, 22 chaos blueprint cost, 800 markers per run, marker cost of 1 divine for 25000 markers, 70 seconds required per one wing.

Shoutouts to the global 4040 community! Heistbad!

I want CPU suggestion for POEQuestion | Answered

(I’m bad with grammar sorry for that)

Right now I have CPU in my mind which are i5-14500 and i7-12700f

Both are same price in my country and I found that POE can utilize up to 16 threads with multithreading mode.

So, i5 have 6P (12 threads) core but i7 have 8P (16 threads) core. (Only refer to P-core)

It’s a best choice if i select i7 older series? Because I think i5 have to used 4 E-core to archives 16 threads.

The hand cramps are realVideo


A total of 945c and 16Ex

Help, in which order my beasts get deleted ?`Question | Answered

Farming some chimerals/BM for my SSF and noticed my creeps getting deleted becasue of full menagerie.

Im wondering ist there a known order how those get deleted? Obviously i dont wanna loose my chimerals.

Ty guys :)

edit: after 100 maps i think GGG should make yellow beasts unlimited, or make a diffrent pool / or make it possible to mark wich type of beast you want to keep so only usless ones get removed ... i'm now done with farming chimerals and should run more maps only to get a decent yellow beast pool ... its fucking stupid