
Hello there, I am currently visiting my Motherland where I had discovered that some relatives of mine had bought Alexandriane parrot chicks. Not to shame them or try to make excuses on their behalf, but they are simple village folk who do not understand the complexity of raising a parrot from such a young age, so sadly only 1 out of 4 chicks survived (I did try to teach them on the matter to prevent this from happening again) When I arrived to my home country they asked me to take care of the remaining baby since they knew I was good with animals so I was pretty confident despite never raising a baby parrot before, luckily I’ve watched countless hours of care and feeding videos of various bird species, from house finch to peacock, just in case such an occasion arises. Fast forward to today and my little friend (who I named Alu, which translates to potato) is doing amazing, at first he would make low screaming noises at anyone who came into his eye line, but incredibly after just one day of meeting he bonded with me after showing him some love, which is surprising as he was terrified of everyone and everything and I know Alex’s can be pretty independent. He still screams and sometimes even bites everyone but me and is a little more tolerant of others, he will let others hold him if I’m near. He sounds like he is now trying to speak words and from since he was bonded to me, whenever he sees me he starts making a specific call that he doesn’t with anyone else, even if I’m in the other room and cough or sneeze he is able to recognise that it’s me and starts to call. Sadly after 2 month my time in the Motherland is coming to an end, I wish I could take him with me but alas we must part ways and I must leave my only son behind, it may be years until I see my little Alu again, but will he remember me?! I’ve built him an aviary and planning on getting him a bird friend to keep him company, as I know my older relatives will not be able to, i know they also probably won’t interact with him as much. I do plan on trying to stay in contact with him over video call but lord knows how well that’ll work. Grr I really wish this sub would let me post videos, thank you for reading anyways🙏🏽