I'm curious if you can have RCPD but also vomit like a normal person (AKA it's involuntary, not forceful enough to be projectile or come out of your nose, and only with mild discomfort).

A little backstory is that I just recently, like, literally within the last 3 days, have discovered this subreddit and self-diagnosed myself with RCPD (though I do have an appointment with my primary care doctor this week to actually confirm). Never knew it was an actual dysfunction, just thought it was a me thing. But alas, I never burp, I have the gurgling, I have the bloating, and I have emetophobia.

Because of my emetophobia, I haven't vomited in my entire conscious life (not since I was a baby, if that). I don't even really know what nausea feels like. Up until finding out that I probably certainly have RCPD, I have been pretty good with it... I felt like I was getting better slowly and surely. Until now.

My husband has been gracious enough to answer all of my specific questions regarding vomiting, such as what it feels like, how long it lasts, how do you know when you're done, etc. His answers always reassured me that it won't be that bad when I finally do experience it for the first time. But... he has the ability to burp. With ease. So, reading this subreddit and hearing people's horror stories about how violent and painful vomiting is for them BECAUSE of the RCPD has caused me to start spiraling and I feel my phobia reactivating FAST.

And don't spare me from the hard truth, please. I really do want to get the Botox done, and I'm going to do everything in my power to get it done by Bastian. I just need to know if it's even POSSIBLE to have RCPD but also have "normal" vomit functionality.