I (17) am getting the throatox done early tomorrow morning. After years of suffering from this condition, it feels so surreal that there's an end in sight. Though I've been anticipating this for ages, my anxiety and dislike for surgeries is hitting me real hard now. I have a strong dislike for anesthesia and IVs. For the IVs and monitors, I hate the feeling of being stuck to a large device. For the anesthesia and being knocked out, I dislike the idea of losing control of my body. When I had wisdom teeth surgery earlier this year, I was very afraid when I suddenly woke up and had no clue where I was and all of a sudden I was in another room. I don't remember which type of procedure I'm getting, but I'm pretty sure it's the one you have to put on a hospital gown for, so not being in my normal clothes makes that loss of control feeling even worse. This is getting long and rambly and not really related to R-CPD anymore, but I guess I just want to ask anyone who's already had the surgery, how bad was it when it was over? Is my anxiety overblown? (Probably)