Live Free or Die

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What does "Live Free or Die" mean to you?Ask NH

Today I was livin' free or dyin' a little too much and someone yelled at me. It occurred to me maybe the motto should be something along the lines of Respect others & expect respect from others.

One man's live free or die is another man's hell.

I don’t mind tourists but holy moly the scumbags that go to Wellington state park.

Pick up your trash. It’s pretty simple. It looked like a college party had taken place the night before. And the giant tree limbs they had dragged out and tried to burn in the little charcoal grills😂

Solo Dinner

Best place in Southern NH for a solo dinner? Preferably not Italian, great cocktails. Nice atmosphere, solo friendly?

Yay, fireflies!

I'm so happy to see their little butts lighting up. It's been a couple years since I've seen them. Better than any fireworks show, in my opinion.

Road trip for 2 west coasters

My wife and I will be visiting our son who is living in the Salem area north of Boston. We will be traveling in early October, visiting him on 2 weekends with our road trip in between. We are west coasters so this is all new to us.

We will be leaving on Monday from Salem, and want to spend a whole day (stay night before and after) in the Woodstock area of VT. So we were thinking of driving the Connecticut River from Battleboro north to Woodstock, stopping along the way to check out covered bridges.

That's where the planning ends. What is a cool fun Wednesday-Friday drive back to Salem? We want to check out quaint towns, short walks, and just enjoy the time together.

Any advice would be surely appreciated. I will be crossposting in a few other subs.

Recycling options in Concord?Ask NH

My lot only has room for a trash container so my landlord says we're on our own for getting our recycling to the transfer station, which has inconvenient hours. Up to this point I've made do with recycling at work but we have been told we are not allowed to bring household recycling anymore. What are my options for somewhere I can reliably take my recycling at all hours or getting my landlord to look into a way for pickup for our whole building?

Downeaster and Woburn-Logan ExpressAsk NH

Anybody taken this combo to get to the airport? My toddler loves trains and we wanted to give it a shot.

We’ve lived in Pittsburgh (take the T or bus pretty frequently) and Chicago (took the blue/red line every day there), but wondering if these are “nice” trains (would like to avoid crazy yelling/naked/violent people and piss/vomit/etc).

Guessing the Logan Express is pretty nice since it only goes to the airport. Never taken an Amtrak before.

Is Goose Pond still drained?

Is Goose Pond in Canaan still drained?

To my neighbor on the lake with the cannon

I hate you. So does everyone else here. Just for the record.

HELP! Camping with a Dog in Pawtuckaway State Park

Hello! My partner and I drove 4 hours from Albany to meet up with friends in Pawtuckaway State Park to camp this weekend. However, we were unaware that pets are not allowed in the campground (I know, I know, we shouldnt have assumed ..). We really don't want to turn around and drive all the way back, especially as we've been looking forward to this weekend for months. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions?? Thanks in advance.