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Looking for album Lair of Labirynth or with similar title

Hey guys,

Some years ago I used to listen to album on YT which I cannot find right now. I'm not sure of most things, but I think it was uploaded to Solar Temple channel and was lost altogeter with deleted channel. It was quite short album with simple ambient music (or maybe something between ambient and noise). If I recall correctly, on thumbnail there was a rider on a horse and northern lights or something similar. I think title was like Lair of Labirynths... or maybe Labirynth of Lairs? I cannot really tell but I think it was something like that.

I tried to find it in many places but it seems like it's totally lost, so I'm not even sure if it was for real or maybe I dreamt about it... maybe any of you remember something similar and will help me find this track? Please help me prove that it did exist and I haven't lost my mind yet :p

Current 93 T-Shirt

Dear All,

I hope this message finds you well.
Does anyone have any old Current 93 T-Shirts for Sale or know of anyone selling any?

Size L/XL.

Thank you.

Russian neo-folk

Do you guys know any good Russian neo-folk band? I've been learning Russian since 2 week's, and i know that one of the best methods to get along with a language is to participate in it's different cultural forms. Specifically i want some good lyrics and minimalistic guitar.

Neofolk movies

Hi, do you know any movies with neofolk music?

Vocal Production Techniques

Hi all--I'm looking to use neofolk style vocal production in a musical project I'm working on, and was wondering if anyone had any advice to get the sort of large, grim, faraway sound that so many neofolk singers have (obviously DP, but Death in Rome, Rome, and Solanaceae as well.)

I'm assuming lots of reverb, boosted low-mids, and maybe some chorus and stereo widening, but was curious if anyone who's actually recorded neofolk has more specific advice. Thanks!

Current93/HÖH Island Remastered 2024 question

Any idea why David omitted the last five tracks of the original?


Hey guys , I just started listening to neofolk this past week and I’m wondering if yall have any bands to recommend. Some bands I’m already into is death in June , Rome, fields of mildew and by the spirits. I’ve tried listening to current 93 but the vocals kind of killed it for me

confused - current 93 disstracks


vague title, but current 93 have basically made disstracks regarding Douglas Pearces (has nobody ever took notice that's a cool name), such as Rome For Douglas or A song for Douglas after he's dead.

I'm confused about these, cause read them and they're obviously a damning condemnation of him, but, he was apart of c93 at the time.

Like, he's literally on the album cover of earth covers earth? Would he not have a problem with Tibet writing this about him?

It's confusing that Tiny Tim was the breaking point for their relationship and not multiple disstracks?

Also, is it only tiny Tim that caused that? Id heavily doubt it was just tiny Tim, I know Douglas cares heavily about his sexuality (as anyone would) but I doubt he'd throw away an entire decades long friendship, especially with the fact that in doing this it could impact his friendship with rose McDowall among others.