I was on deployment on my first ship in the Navy. I didn’t normally work in deck department, but was assigned there for this deployment. They were undermanned and didn’t have enough people to stand their watches. For 6 months I would stand their watches underway and work with them. Late one night, early morning I was on the aft lookout. My relief came and my next watch was on the port lookout in the bridge. The way I got to the bridge was to cut through the helo hanger. As I entered the helo hanger I could see a woman with really long hair going up the ladderwelll. As she got to the top of the steps she crouched down to watch me pass by. This was one of the scariest moments in my life. We didn’t have any women on the ship. I ran scared shitlesss to the bridge. When I got up there I told my friends what happened. Apparently I was the only one who didn’t know you don’t cut through the helo hanger at night. Apparently everyone who stands back there at night sees her. They even told me, another section had a guy who the lady came out of the helo hanger and started to approach him. I was scared for the rest of the night and felt uneasy for a few days. Never again did I go through the helo hanger at night. For a while I wouldn’t even go in there even during the day, but I had to eventually for work.