Hi guys, I can't remember if I posted in this sub or olympic NP but I am disabled and had an entire trip planned there before I broke my leg again (bone cancer survivor, if you want to know more my entire story is available elsewhere and this isn't the place for that, you can dm me). I was devastated because we were only a few weeks out from the trip, had everything planned (have been planning for 2 years) and ready and we (my boyfriend and i) were so excited. Every time I've broken my endoprosthesis (2x now) it takes about a year to heal until I can walk without crutches again, and even then it's difficult. I actually went to Yellowstone on crutches and had a wonderful time, my cousin lives in Bozeman and it was truly magical, even if I could only see most of it from the car. The Rangers at old faithful were so so helpful and lovely and helped me with a wheelchair and everything. I live in Indiana, and the thought of missing another summer because of my disability and pain makes me super depressed, I feel like my life is passing me by and I'm missing out on dreams over and over again because of stupid cancer even though it's been removed for 3 years now. But I should be in a little less pain in about a month. I'm a pro on crutches, like up and down stairs forwards and backwards, and can probably crutch faster than most people can walk 🤣 So a very long winded question but, what's in driving distance? Any recommendations on disability-friendly places to stay? I searched voyageurs on air b&b and as soon as I put on a disability filter my search results went to 0. I ironically have a little disabled dog too lol. I worry about him when we're gone but he's well enough for some long car rides. So driving distance would be awesome. I actually live about 15 min from Indiana dunes, and I might be a pro at crutches but not sand dune pro lmao. And I grew up in Michigan, so I've hit most of those.

Really any advice on some beautiful places to see would be wonderful. I've put off my dreams long enough, I may not be able to do olympic this year but, God damn it, I'm not waiting around anymore.

Thanks for reading my entirely too long post and I hope it gets approved. 🙏