For those who cannot see very far!

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What is your prescription?

The previous poll is now too old to vote on so I thought I would create a new one and sticky it. Voting ends in 7 days, let's add as many prescriptions as we can!

Edit: The poll has now closed. Unfortunately Reddit only lets me run it for 7 days. Thanks for all the responses! I will leave it up for everyone's information.

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Progression of lattice degeneration and possible new retinal holes

About 3 months ago, I had a retinal detachment in my right eye which was fixed with a scleral buckle. Everything pretty much came out of nowhere, as I never had my retina checked up until the age of 39 (when the detachment happened). I'm was a highly myopic with roughly -6 dipters on both eyes and had LASIK about 20 years ago.

After my retinal detachment surgery, my eye doctor appointed me to already 5 laser photocoagulation treatments for the fellow eye in about 2-3 week intervals. There were a couple of holes and a lot of lattice degeneration found, which the eye doctor heavily insisted on treating due to my history of a retinal detachment in the other eye.

What worries me is that I have no clue on how progressive lattice degeneration is and the frequency of the appearance of new holes. It is something that time will tell surely, but until then, I'm tormented by anxiety and worries for the future of my eyes.

My question to everyone who has around -6 perscription (or greater) with lattice degeneration is: How stable has your lattice degenerative areas remained after a span of years? How about any new holes?

myopia improved?

hey guys. i‘m wearing glasses since i’m 12. now i‘m 22. I went to the optician to get a new prescription because I thought my eyes got bad since i‘m not able to see that good with my current glasses anymore. To my surprise, he told me my eyes got better? wtf. I thought this isn’t possible. I used to have -4,5 and -3,5 over 3 years and now he told me it‘s -3,75 and -2,75. He also told me that it can be associated with diseases like diabetes but i checked my long-term-blood sugar and it was fine. Did anyone experience this? I‘m confused

First time contact lens wearer

I'm around -15 in both eyes and I have worn glasses my entire life until 2 days ago. I got my first contact lenses - RGP at that. My main concern is while I'm getting comfortable, they are still EXTREMELY blurry. It's like I can only see a few centimeters farther than without them. I asked my doctor about this and I was told that it's just me adjusting due to my high prescription. We did do fitting and with trial lenses on, I wasn't able to pass the acuity test using a phoropter. I'm confused as to why my doctor still went with the fit. A quick Google search shows that it should be as clear as my glasses from the get-go, and that the "adjustment" period should be me getting comfortable. Can anyone help me out? Thanks!

How to not fear retinal detachment/ tear as a higher myope with random symptoms?

Hey all. 24 here and I have -6.25 in both eyes. I’ve been having a pulse in my vision for a while, got it checked months ago and was fine. But recently a blue dot started showing up in my vision on the right side of my right eye (it’s very big and it goes away in a second) it looks almost like a huge pixel kinda thing. Anyway I am so terrified of having a detachment or tear and I would post on Reddit a while back and any symptom I had scared me and people wrote “ER asap” but it always was nothing😔 so now I’m like the boy who cried wolf. I go to the doctor for like anything… and the ophthalmologist referred me to a neuro ophthalmologist because they suspected papilledema but it’s likely just myopic discs.. my ophthalmologist commented on how im at risk when I get into my 40s/ upward with this myopia, and it keeps going up.. it was -4.75 just a few years ago and I’m not diagnosed with i think it’s called degenerative myopia? I just live in fear about health issues I’m not trying to scare anyone but my family said it’s because I spent too much time doing close work, that’s why I’m so myopic & the opticians always increasing my script. I don’t think I can worry about what I can’t change but a girl just wants to chill!

Former Orthok patient with corneal abrasion seeking advice

Hi all, I have been an ortho k user for two years now and I would like to share my experience and get your opinion (I’ll be going to doctor too but I wanted to get others experience)

So I have a power of -3.5 in both eyes. I am 32F, and I wanted to get rid of lenses and glasses

Anyway my doctor convinced me to get Orthok done as it’s a surgery free option. He said it’s great for dry eyes. Fast forward to two years later, my eyes are more dry than ever. On top of that I noticed I had a lot of issues taking out lenses from my eyes, and they would just get stuck. I would tug them gently with that suction thing that they give with orthok. But I ended up with corneal abrasion. My doctor convinced me to add some eye drops and try again after 5 days and this time the orthok got stuck pretty bad in my left eye, I somehow managed to get it off my eye. I don’t have a LOT of pain, but definitely a little pain there.

I am thinking to look for alternatives and wanted to know if people had similar experience with orthok and what did they switch to?

Eye floaters only when using my work computer?

Hi everyone,

Recently noticed eye floaters when using the computer at my work. There is a window by my desk that brings in a good amount of sunlight. The floaters are only coming from my right eye which of my recent eye exam is at -5. I am 22F.

I dont notice the eye floaters anywhere else or any other time. Is this odd? Could it be because of eye strain at work, I use my previous glasses when doing near which has a prescription of -2.50, I can see fine and it doesn't cause my eyes to strain. But I work for 7 hours on my computer, I have tried to adapt the 20/20 to help with eye strain but I dont always do it.

I have booked an appointment with an optometrist this Thursday, and hoping things are good. There were no issues with my retina as per my last exam which was in March.

Thank you.

How can I convert my glasses prescription (with astigmatism) to a contact lens prescription (non-toric lens which don't have astigmatism)?

My prescription is:

right eye:

  • SPH: -1.25
  • CYL: -0.75
  • AXIS: 130

left eye:

  • SPH: -0.75
  • CYL: -0.50
  • AXIS: 40

How can I convert my right eye glasses prescription to a normal (non astigmatism) contact lens prescription? Should I get a SPH-1.50 prescription contact lens for my right eye? (to make up for the -0.75CYL)?

(In the past, my optometrist actually tested -1.00SPH contact lens (non-toric) on my left eye, and he recommended -1.00SPH to me, as it sort of made up for the -0.50CYL astigmatism. He did the same with my right eye, and gave me -1.50SPH right eye lens)

Thank you!


Two years ago, I went to an optometrist for a routine eye exam and I was told my DSph in right was -1.75 and my Dsph in left was -2.00. So, I got prescription glasses based on that which I felt very comfortable with.

Recently however, my left eye has been a bit teary and on one occasion I woke up with it a bit blurry. So, I went to an ophthalmologist who did a dilated eye exam, and told me the reason my eye has been teary and blurry is because I’m not using the right prescription. He said my left eye has weakened drastically. The new prescription he gave me is:

RIGHT: DSph: -2.00, DCyl: -0.25, Axis: 100 LEFT: DSph: -2.75, DCyl: -0.25, Axis:, 85

I’ve had myopia long enough (pre-and post-PRK surgery) to know that it takes time to adapt to a new prescription but my new glasses feel particularly strong and overcorrected. I’m wondering if it’s because the eye exam was done dilated or because the new glasses have the cylinder correction? Should I trust this new prescription given to me by the ophthalmologist during a dilated eye exam or should I go back to the optometrist to get a second opinion? And is it really necessary to correct for the Cyl at this point? Can I ask my optometrist to disregard it if I get new glasses or will that cause me more harm than good?

Thank you in advance!

Would contacts worsen myopia like glasses?

My optometrist told me that wearing my glasses for up close work would only worsen my myopia, which I'm already aware of (I don't use them anyways, and I only need them for farther distance) however would wearing contacts while doing a lot of up close work (say, phone or reading for hours at a time) be just as harmful?

Need help reading my Prescription

As the title says. My doctor said that you can give it to any eye doctor and they would know what this means, but it doesn't look like any prescription card I've seen online. Any help making this info more similar to regular prescription layouts?

Heres the image:

Best glasses for severe myopia?

I would really appreciate advice on both frames and lenses for very high prescription (-10ish). (I'm with Specsavers, so any advice on going somewhere else for better options would also be appreciated),

My eyes are about -11 with some astigmatism. I usually wear contact lenses but I've been told I need to start wearing glasses for 2 days a week (due I think to dry eyes caused by too much contact lense wear).

Right now I have some glasses with heavy glass lenses that are a bit thinner than plastic lenses. The lense thickness of those is roughly 6mm I think but with dark frames they look very obvious. So I'm thinking of getting clear plastic frames to (try to) somewhat disguise the thick lenses.

I find wearing glasses really uncomfortable, so am wondering if I should get firstly, a pair of ugly but comfortable glasses to wear at home only with lighter but thicker plastic lenses. And secondly, a separate pair to wear out of the house with slightly thinner, heavy glass lenses, maybe with smaller or children's frames? (Although I prefer the look of larger frames and don't really like the look of small frames.)

Does anyone have any advice on glasses frames that don't look so shocking with the thick lenses. I would love to find something I wouldn't been embarrassed to wear at work. I thought about frameless glasses too but apparently they don't make them for high prescriptions. And really small frames don't seem to exist either.

Contact prescription

My glasses are -2.75 with (0.25 in left and 0.5in right for astigmatism). They have recently increased my contacts to -3.00 in both eyes. I am finding the contacts themselves uncomfortable and feel like my eyes are opening wide compared to -2.75. The vision in -3.00 is very clear but I’m not sure if it’s over correcting due to dry eyes and some slight aches on the eyes.

Does this prescription sound too high?

Am I allowed to ask for a refund if my glasses for severe myopia broke in 6 months?

The arm on my glasses has been wonky for ages, I've had it bent back but its come out again but I bought them in November. Thing is is that I am constantly being told my glasses aren't good enough and that I should have had them properly picked and fitted by the specialist because I'm -12 and it's like having ice cubes in my glasses. I went into the store and had the appointment and they helped me pick and fit them for me. They've now been broken in like 4 months and I am constantly pushing them up and they feel like they'll just break any second. The bottom of the lenses rub on my face and they creak when I clean them.

I kind of knew this would happen because my lenses are so thick that the store brand glasses cant really hold them but I assumed the specialist knew what she was doing because I was going to buy a pair anyway, not like I could go without, so she didn't have to convince me on anything to get a sale.

Can I ask for a refund or a new pair because they're supposed to last 2 years (I replace every year because of my poor vision but that's not the point) They broke in 3 months, I got them bent back, they broke again and I'm kind of screwed now because well -12 is not something I can just hope for the best with, I do need glasses

High Myopia Contact Lenses

My question is for those with severely high myopia like -10 and worse. What lenses do you wear? Do you get 20/20 vision? I’d love to hear your thoughts I’m 39yo, -12 in right eye and -14 in left eye but I never seem to be satisfied with the quality of vision that I get from contacts. I’ve worn RGP lenses which have me good vision but I couldn’t get use to the discomfort. I’ve been wearing soft, cooper vision hydrasoft toric lenses for the last 10 years and I just settle for the quality of vision that they give me which may be 20/40 or a little worse. I would love if you guys can give me some ideas on better options that can give me better vision. Thanks

High myopia -8.5, optometrist never talked about potential risks? And are dilated exams for checking the retinas?

So I have high myopia, around -8-8.5 with -3.25 astigmatism for glasses (optometrist said it's -8 -3.25 astigmatism both eyes in 2023 but it's a bit blurry to me so I think it's closer to -8.5, I also got that prescription in 2021 from a different optometrist and it was crystal clear then) and she hasn't said anything about retinal detachment or anything other than when I asked her last year. I also get a dilated eye exam every year. Do they check my retinas during the dilated exam? I've been going to her for the past 8 or so years. She never says my eyesight is horrible or anything, just says whether it's better/the same etc and to take breaks. She doesn't tell me what the dilation is for either, just says it's so it's more accurate because I won't be able to squint so I'm unsure if she's checking the retinas?

Also in 2021 and 2022, I moved away and saw different optometrists. Neither one of them did dilated eye exams but they told me my prescription was extremely bad and I needed to be careful. In 2021 one told me not to squint so my astigmatism doesn't get worse. In 2022 other one took a picture of my eyes (retinal imaging) and said they were healthy, no tears. I am back to the same optometrist I used in 2023 and 2020 and before, who does dilated eye exams.

So is my main optometrist enough, or should I see an ophthalmologist? And does the dilated eye exam check the retinas/for retinal tears? I am going to call her to schedule my annual eye exam soon, will update here later too when I find out what she does.

Dealing with high myopia anxiety

Hello everyone. I hope you are all well. Recently, I went for an eye checkup, and all was well other than minor dry eyes. However, I was curious about my prescription. I always knew my eyesight wasn't great, but I was taken aback by just how bad it is. I have -9.75 in one eye and-10.5 in the other. Honestly, I thought I was hovering more around -7/8. Thankfully, this is the first year in a while I haven't needed new glasses so hopefully it stabilises and doesn't get any worse.

My case is likely genetics, inherited from my mother, who also has bad vision. My father's side has much better vision with only mild myopia or none at all. I never really thought about it much when I was younger, and I've never been an outdoors person, always preferring videogames and reading books, and obviously the COVID lockdowns made that worse. I accept that it's possible that being outdoors more may have made no difference at all and it's all down to genetics, but I just can't help but wonder if I could have limited the progression and brought it down somewhat.

I previously wasn't aware that being this severely shortsighted made me more prone to certain eye conditions like glaucoma, myopic macular degeneration, retinal detachment etc. My optician told me that the chances of a retinal detachment are only marginally increased and hospitals are very good at fixing them, but I've really gone down a rabbit hole lately of reading studies and panicking that blindness is an inevitable outcome.

The good news is that there are practically no cases in my family of blindness or even any serious eye conditions. My mother has had no problems so far despite her high prescription, so I understand that there is really no need to assume that I will have any problems, but unfortunately, being autistic tends to make me hyperfixate on things and lately that seems to have been the possibility of going blind. I've been really worried these past few weeks, convinced I'm going to wake up and see the increase in floaters and flashing lights that signal a possible RD. I have quite sensitive eyes and the thought of needing a surgery on them or getting eye injections is utterly terrifying, along with the thought of losing my vision and never seeing anything again.

I'm really just curious to know if there's anybody out there who's also had these thoughts and fears, and if so, how did you get over them or how do you deal with them? I know that y'all are probably tired of these posts as there are loads of them in this sub, but I thought that perhaps reaching out here to others would be a good first step in trying to deal with this anxiety. Thanks in advance for any responses.

Also, don't bother with telling me about end myopia or reduced lens methods or anything like that because I believe all of that is utter nonsense and pseudoscience that doesn't work.

Depressed for needing glasses.

(18)m So recently around 2 months ago I had an eye test. And got a score of -3.00. As soon as I heard this information, and that I have to get glasses made me crying. And up until that point I am still depressed, everyday I wake up, I feel depressed that I have to wear glasses. Do you guy have any advice on how to get over something most of you would probably say is not a big deal?

EDIT: If my parents find out I have glasses, they will get extremely upset at me for spending hours on a computer as a kid, so I have not told them yet

My experience with contact lenses

Hi! I've posted a few times here before sometimes I delete some of my posts since I don't like seeing them they make me sad that I overthink so much about this and go deeper into this rabbit hole but sometimes I like to share cool updates with my eyes!!

So I M21 have myopia of -3.5 on the left and -5.75 on the right!! I've been wearing glasses since the age of 12 and I finally decided to try wearing contacts for the first time

It's a bit of a debuff that you are allowed to wear them 8-10 hours at most since they told me that wearing them for longer can cause problems such as dry eyes and maybe other stuff and prevent you from wearing contacts again

But I don't mind I can wear glasses during the rest of the time when I need to

So I've been wearing them for 6 days now and it's really nice very comfortable to go outside and go jogging not needing glasses and being able to see everything it's nice I enjoy it

It takes me a while to put them on usually between 5-20 mins but I'm still learning

Also I forgot to mention the prescription of the lenses it's -3.25 for the left and -5.5 for the right so 0.25 lower than their actual prescription

I did notice a few things though

My right eye sees further away long distance objects like car number from 40-50 meters away while the left one sometimes struggles with that sometimes it's super clear as clear as my right eye and sometimes it's a bit blurry

I don't know if my left eye is more dry or teary and it blurrs my vision but it's weird

And then viewing close objects from a distance it's the exact opposite my left eye can see my computer screen from way further away while the right eye struggles to as the distance increases (I'm referring to like 2+ meters away from the computet screen having to read like very small letters)

But other than that normal viewing distances is really normal for both eyes such as sitting in front of a phone TV or computer screen at a normal distance

I must lastly add that sometimes my vision is a little wonky like I feel like things are zooming in and out if that makes sense? I guess I'm just still getting used to contacts

But that's about my experience with contacts I'll avoid wearing them for about a week and then try again just to give my eyes some rest but let me know your experiences or if there's something unusual with anything i said!!

TV screen too big for bifocals?


I'm having trouble wearing my new bifocals with my 65 inch TV. I only have mild myopia (0.5) but I do have a lot of strain with this OLED tv, even on low brightness (especially with small white text on black background). Unfortunately, since the edges of the bifocals lens are distorted, I have to turn my head to wherever my vision is facing on the TV. This is incredibly inconvenient when gaming.

Any solutions? Just simple distance glasses? The TV is 8 ft away from me.


Optometrist vs Ophthalmologist

Ok I see an increase of floaters, I should see an ophthalmologist right? It's hard to find one here and it's mostly optometrists here.....Will optometrist do to check me for increase of floaters? I also need the annual dilated exam done and I have high myopia -15 and -14 and high astigmatism 300 and 400

Edit: When they check me for increased floaters, is that dilated exam ? the same as the annual dilated exam to check the retina, general health of the eyes? and will they also give me eyeglasses prescription after dilated exam? I actually need all three done. ( I am in the USA)
