One of the bands I play in put out an album last year and we didn’t do a whole lot to promote it at the time. We’re trying to decide how to make something out of it now, since we’re proud of it and we want to put ourselves in a good position to put out another album later this year.

Most of the other people in bands I know just put a bunch of money into Spotify playlist promo services like Playlist Push, and they got some good Spotify numbers from it, but idk how many of those plays are real, and they aren’t necessarily people anywhere near you. I figure for our genre (indie rock) we might get closer to our target audience by trying to get played on college radio. We also hope that getting played on there might set us up to play some gigs at stations later in the year.

Thankfully, we all have day jobs, which means we can afford to pay a promotion agency to get our record to college radio stations. But we don’t want to waste money that we could spend on something else. Does anyone have experience with this? Should we just mail a CD out ourselves? Are there other promo avenues we should explore instead?