post memes, edits, and tiktoks on a daily basis.

by memes i mean video memes with your music over it

they don't necessarily have to be good or well edited. I think the ones that perform well are nostalgic, relatable, or funny/cute. for example the dannyloc meme was martin which is nostalgic and the caption was relatable. the chiefkeefcat edits are funny and cute. the memes don't have to be dancing videos, but it can be any meme where audio isn't important like this or this.

edits, like an amv(anime music video), or a aesthetic/sad edit

i think edits work well if they are done well or use popular clips. for example the disney edit is a good edit, while the giveon one is lazy, but uses a popular music video.

tiktok, post a short video/slide show with your music over it

these also don't have to be good or well edited. honestly i think the ones that perform the best are the random videos or a process of making the song. they feel more personal and show the watcher who the artist is.


  • most of the memes are stolen from shows or original posters. i am not content police, but if you take that route beware of the owner copyrighting the video and getting it taken down
  • ride whatever trends there are and apply it to your content
  • post weekly, but ideally once a day. with this type of content you could even post multiple times a day. going viral is a numbers game. the more posts and content you have, the more likely it is for one of the post to go to viral
  • if you don't want this content on your main account, you can make another page like cochise
  • make sure to use hashtags when posting.
  • interact with your audience, respond to comments, etc
  • if you have already post content separate from your music, add your music where possible
  • if you can make original content that's entertaining and doesn't too long to produce. do it instead

why does this content work?

i believe they work because none of these feel like promo, beside a few exceptions. the content is the main focus and the song is just an add on. the watcher doesn't realize they're being marketed a song. video of the song process, giveon type edit, and image slide show is more promo obvious, but people will overlook it if the song/content is good.

final thoughts

this is the type of content musicians can easily make. it is not time consuming and these can be pushed weekly, if not daily. i know a lot of people stress about promoting their song and what content they should make. but honestly as long as the content is entertaining it does not matter. i'm not saying push out garbage, but you do not have to spend hours perfecting content. this type of content works, its effortless and it can be the jumpstart to the career you want.

also, i know some might think these examples don't count since these people already have followers, so naturally they're going to get views. that is true, but if you check out their pages, you can see when they first started, their content had low views. Then one video blew and they rode the momentum by posting more. teo used to get 500 views, now he has 211k followers on tiktok. atmdanny had 1k views, now he has 22k followers on tiktok

TLDR: post non obvious promo. memes with your music over it, video of the song process. make your song secondary to the content. fast food content, make it entertaining and quick for you to produce more.