So my boyfriend and I went through the journey of watching all Bond movies from the beginning. It took us a while. We didn't marathon them, just watch one or two every few weekends. We enjoyed the experience a lot. It was my first time ever watching the films (he had seen some of the Daniel Craig's movies).

I have no idea what people generally think of who is the best or worst James Bond so I'm a bit curious. What's your favorite James Bond? Any favorite movies?

I think Sean Connery and Daniel Craig fit really well into the part but if I'm honest Roger Moore is my favorite James Bond. His movies were so over the top. He could travel to three different countries, to the moon and back, be in a submarine and the save the world from a nuclear weapon all in the same movie. It was just incredible.

Edit: I just want to add, Q survived so many movies it was insane! I hope he made so much money with the franchise. RIP Desmond Llewelyn