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What are some movies that are deemed "Bad" that you like? Part 5
  • Classic Vince Vaughn with a cast of friends. This is a hilarious Rom-Com that me, family and friends quote on the regular. 5.5IMDb 10%Tomatometer 39%Audience Score

  • Yes Shooter Stars in not one or two but three "Midnight Run" TV Movie installments related to the original classic. This one is my favorite out of the sequels. IMDd4.7 NA%RT

  • The Boz seeks revenge on a maniacal gang who attacked his family and left him for dead. 5.3 & 36%

  • Gary Busey VS. William Smith in an Action Thriller a "Walking Tall" knockoff of sorts. 5.6IMDb 20%TM 45%AS

  • A Forgotten Thomas Ian Griffith vehicle. This is action packed and T. Griffith shows his skills in fight choreography. Has quite the cast and is a fun flick. 5.3IMDb 20%TM 36%AS

  • In this 80s Sci-Fi cult classic Tom Selleck takes on Gene Simmons and his RoBo spiders in the future that was 1991. 5.9IMDb 46%TM 32%AS

  • This takes heavily from "Single White Female" & "Pacific Heights" they melds the two movies together essentially and what you get is a decent little thriller. 5.6 & 27%

  • A Ruthless Multi-Millionaire is a Sadistic Satanic Killer stalking the nightly city life for a woman to swoon them to his living-quarters for his sick pleasures. 4.9 & 36%

  • You got Michael Pare leading, You got Trace Adkins, you got Kristofferson, you got Sensei Kreese and Tom "fucking" Sizemore in a low budget revenge western. 4.8IMDb 40%TM 31%AS

  • The talented Kevin Corrigan steals the show in this little known horror flick. Corrigan has an eerie frightening performance as the man who was hit and left for dead. 4.3 & 16%

  • Action packed one of Steven Seagal's better later projects. Brutal kills. Lots of fights. The co star Victor Webster does a good job, he gets his own side story. 4.4 & 23%

  • A fun sequel full of thrills that takes you on another slithering adventure. This time the big snakes come in an abundance which means loads of shoddy CGI. 4.7IMDb 26%TM 27%AS

  • Keith David as a knockoff Indiana Jones turned drunken hunter jungle guide. Co-Stars a Playboy centerfold model and she shows the goods. 4.5 & 56%

  • Better than it has any right to be and the man who played the lead nice timid small town family man sheriff has a good performance that makes it all work. 4.7IMDb 16%TM 31%AS

  • Quotable, memorable and at times HILARIOUS! The dinner scene when he cooms are you going to tell me that isn't funny? 2.8IMDb 7%TM 35%AS

What’s the best Quentin Tarantino conversation ever?

-Pulp Fiction- Royal with Cheese

-Reservoir Dogs- I don’t tip

-Django- Poor devils

-Django- shake my hand

-Kill Bill 1- I’m pregnant

-Kill Bill 2- Dead fish

-Inglourious Basterds- opening

-Inglourious Basterds- I want my scalps

-Inglourious Basterds- oblige him

-Inglourious Basterds- tavern

-Hateful 8- I killed your son

-Hateful 8- toss your guns

I didn’t forget any movies. Just didn’t fell like they had scenes that competed.

What are even more movies deemed "bad" that you like?
  • Regarded as one of Clint Eastwoods worst movies. Clint and Sheen have good chemistry. It was originally supposed to be another Dirty Harry installment. 5.9IMDb 33%RT 36%AS

  • Christopher McDonald takes on the "Midnight Run" film in this TV Movie. He has a solid showing in this little known sequel to a classic. 4.8IMDb NA%RT

  • A nostalgic movie to me. The cast are all good especially Vince Vaughn who would be known more as a comedic actor with time, but he is a good serious actor too. 5.6IMDb 41%TM 24%AS

  • What a cast and what a funny overlooked gem of a movie. Candy and Belushi make for a fun pairing as a big gambler showing the newbie the ropes. 5.8IMDb 0%TM 43%AS

  • Ultra nostalgic to me. A childhood favorite of mine. Really cool practicals & not so good CGI. A fun 90s cast in a schlocky thrilling on the water adventure. 4.9IMDb 41%TM 24%AS

  • Better than the original in my humble opinion. Starring a young Nick Nolte and an even younger Don Johnson. 2 young reckless men and a wild girl find trouble. 5.6 & 57%

  • The only major leading movie role of Carl Weather's career. An Action Comedy full of entertainment and fun performances. 5.5IMDb 19%TM 35%AS

  • The movie is shot beautifully and is the closest thing we have to Seagal in a Western. This is a very different role and movie for him. A Top 10 Seagal movie. 4.2IMDb 20%TM 31%AS

  • Prime Chuck Norris ninja action flick. Full of awesome fight scenes. The cover feels Sci-Fi but don't let it fool you it's just a normal Chuck Norris vehicle. 5.0IMDb 25%TM 31%AS

  • Garry Busey is a secret soldier on the run and the government sends his replacement Michael Pare after him. A fun low budget little known action adventure. 4.3 & 29%

  • A solid sequel and they definitely took a risk. I like it found it pretty suspenseful. Cast do a decent job. 5.2IMDb 45%TM 23%AS

  • A decent low budget Wings Hauser action thriller. Violent and somewhat shocking. With a very fun performance from Branscombe Richmond. 4.6IMDb N/A%RT

  • Funyman is a bonkers out there Horror Comedy. Tim James is so good as the titular character. This is like a cartoon. A dumb thoroughly fun live action cartoon movie. 4.4 & 52%

  • A small budget prisoners on the run thriller. Frank Stallone steals the show, though he is not the lead. Cliff De Young always shows up. 4.7 & 0%

  • A Multi Shark Species Slasher. Sharks killing teens. The PG-13 does hurt it. Dumb? Yes. A fun time? Also yes. 4.1IMDB 19%TM 22%AS
