I’m starting to get more serious about planning a continental divide trip, and was hoping I could mine some info or advice from the brain trust here.

Specifically, I’m curious to hear how long it has taken other folks to complete. I’ve heard anything from a week to a couple months, of course depending on tons of variables.

My loose plan is to ride from Missouri to antelope wells, then to banff, then back home through North Dakota, Minnesota, etc.

I was thinking of doing this starting early September, and giving myself 3 to 4 weeks.

For those who have done it, does that seem like a feasible timeline? Anything you’d do different in terms of when to go, or how long to spend on trail?

I like the idea of finishing in banff rather than the Mexican border, so I think I’m pretty set on south to north.

While I’d prefer to do the trip all in one go, I’ve considered doing New Mexico and Colorado this year, and doing Wyoming, Montana, and Canada next year. The main benefit being that it would be easier for me to get a smaller block of time off of work.

Any other general advice or things that made a big difference in your ride experience? I know this is a bit of an aimless post, but I’d just love to hear any thoughts or reflections or guidance from those who have gone before me. I’ve combed through advrider and YouTube for as may trip reports as I can find - now I’d love to hear what the folks in this community might offer. Many thanks!