
An ad I saw on Instagram. Here is the entire flow.

The privacy policy on the “review your info” page links here: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/legal/privacy-notice?lang=eng&country=go

And the Facebook page at the end links to a Facebook page called Christ First: https://www.facebook.com/share/W87YRAJyDSSP8WAD/?mibextid=LQQJ4d

Other than the name tag on the sister in the video, the ad contains no mention of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, LDS, Mormon, Book of Mormon or living prophets. If you didn’t know it, you would think it was an ad for a generic evangelical church

It looks like this is being run (or tested) in Raleigh, NC.

Unable to confirm if this is an official Church sanctioned account, or a bunch of creative Stake mission leaders trying to magnify their callings.