The book of Ether in the book of Mormon gives the history of a people called the jaredites.

The population was nearly "two million" (Ether 15:2). They were an agricultural society with fruits and grains, cattle, sheep, goats, swine, horses and asses, elephants and "cureloms and cumoms" (Ether 9:18-19). They were skilled at metal work, including gold, silver, iron, copper and brass, making tools for agriculture including reaping, sowing and thrashing (Ether 10:25) and creating "mighty heaps of earth to get ore" (Ether 10:23). They made swords out of steel (7:9)

They built many cities (10:4), and inhabited "the whole have of the land northward" (10:21). They paid tax (10:5), suggesting complex economic systems of trade and record keeping. They had a robust writing system, which could record detailed sequence of events, in narratives. They lived somewhere in the Americas for about 1000 2500 years.

So, where did the jaredites live? It seems like we should be able to match that detailed description to artefacts and evidence in the archeological record.

If God wants me to believe, he should throw me a bone. Many bones. Horses, asses, goats, elephants together. Across a large geographic area, people by a literate agrarian people. With swords.

Why would God make it so hard to believe?