This is part rant, but also genuine curiosity from people around my age. Is anyone else fed up with the "heated topics" of the world we live in? I don't know if I'm just going insane at this point or if there are others like me. To put it plainly...I just don't care about anything that seems "important" these days. Politics? It's always two impossible people that are up for presidency that I never understand how they got there. The rest of the government is also just as bad. Sex and relationships? I don't care what your gender is, I don't care who you love, I legitimately don't care how active you are. You are you, I am me. What your preferences are and what you do, do not affect me in the slightest. Racial issues? I see it. I see it in the news. It's horrible, and I don't understand how it's still happening. But, all of these topics and more just feel like they've been shoved down my throat for the past 32 years. I am so desensitized to the plights of these issues that I don't care. LGBTQ community? 32 years I've seen it, heard it. You're gay, lesbian, etc? I don't care. You're a person, I know you're a person. What you've experienced is your experience, but I don't think you're brave or necessarily a victim now. You're just another human being. Same goes for anyone trans. Same goes for anyone of any race. Same goes for anyone of any political ideology. 32 years hearing it all, and it's all become so tiresome to care for. Am I alone in this? Is everyone just ok with being so polarized on opposite ends and constantly at war with each other? It's just starting to look like this is it. Like it's just one social debate, political debacle, or international disaster/war to the next until each and every one of us eventually reaches the end of our lives. Does anyone else feel this way?