hi everyone. I'm 15 and summer vacation's almost here. with school out, I want to get back in to studying math. I want to start (and get through most of) Brezis's functional analysis book. I'll have plenty of free time and I want to learn as much as possible. how long do you think I can study each day without burning out? would it be better to study fewer hours a day every day or to study for lots of hours but take breaks every few days? I'm asking because I want to build good habits and discipline in studying consistently because I want to be a mathematician. I'm thinking maybe 4-5 hours a day and taking a break once or twice a week (at least when I'm not busy).

Also I wondered how much I should spend time studying the material vs how long I should spend actually working on problems. And I wonder how long it should take me to get through the book. thanks so much!

Edit: thanks for all the advice guys!