I’m trying to learn more with how people are building there decks and why, and I know a lot of it comes down to deck knowledge. When it comes to hand traps, the usual I run is less than what people say I should have, but I’m more a budget person. Building a deck on MD is expensive. So I run:

2Ash (Felt like 3 bricked and I would draw all 3, and also played into SE too much with the charmer)

2Maxx (Same with Ash. Felt like 3 was a brick, and it was useless against decks like Labrynth. I also hate playing the card cause I feel scummy. But Jesus does it win games by itself.)

1Nibiru (Crossout target, but comes in clutch when it works and ends turns)

1Called By (Ineffective going 2nd, and felt like I never used both of them in a single game.)

1Crossout (Great for mirror matches against your deck, and it felt great having it at all times)

3Imperm (I felt like having 3 wasn’t even enough. Negates are so strong, and being able to stop the opponent on their turn is worth the downside of needing an empty field)

Is this enough to stop majority of decks? I’ve thought of adding DRNM, Forbidden, Evenly. Some decks topping tourneys had them. Are they good for this meta? Thanks!